I didn’t actually know they were building a new wharf on Somes, it’s great that the island is getting more infrastructure. And great they caught the ants, obviously.

  • @DaveMA
    23 months ago

    Haha yes, but spaniels have a reputation. My vet friend used to say he would rather see a pit bull than a spaniel!

    • @liv
      3 months ago

      Makes sense, pittys tend to be earnest dogs who are only dangerous when they get the wrong end of the stick. Spaniels tend to have decided that since they have teeth they won’t take shit from kids and vets.

      • @DaveMA
        23 months ago

        Yeah from what I understand, pit bulls are dangerous because of their power and their “gameness”, I think is the term. Not because of their temperament, which I think there are no shortage of families with pit bulls who would say their dogs are gentle and forgiving with their kids.

        I don’t know anyone willing to defend spaniels as family dogs 😆