Cold, draughty, doesn’t meet Healthy Homes standards, and in need of extensive renovations. It sounds like the place is pretty tired.

  • eagleeyedtiger
    7 months ago

    He seems like an absolute greedy CEO brain type of person. His argument when questioned about the allowance was ‘I am entitled to it’, even though he’s one of the wealthiest PM’s we’ve had and is the first PM in 34 years to claim the allowance. All the while cutting budgets across the government and getting tough on the poorest beneficiaries.

    Do people vote for people like him because they think he’s going to make them richer? When have these multimillionaire CEOs ever come into a company to enrich the workers below them? He’s not even pretending to care or relate to the average kiwi. Even John Key came off as more empathetic person and leader.

    Being PM just feels like it’s another step in the ladder for him to enrich himself and advance his career.