This was a fascinating read, it sounds like he disagreed with his colleagues on a number of issues. And given the election result, I’d say he was right, as law and order was something Labour was perceived as being very weak on.

Also, there’s this, about Kiri Allan

"She believed it was anti-Māori and I thought that was absolute rubbish, because this was not targeting Māori in any way, it was targeting gangs.

“It doesn’t matter what ethnicity a gang member is, they need to be held to account by society,” Nash said.

Isn’t assuming gang members are Maori kinda racist?

  • @Xcf456
    44 months ago

    I can’t say I buy his argument about asset seizure at any level being a reasonable departure from the bill of rights, just like how we have roadside breath tests and they violate the right against unreasonable search.

    It rightly should be a much higher threshold imo. So many stories out of the US of the police legally robbing people using asset forfeiture and the onus being on the person to jump through hoops to get stuff back, often they don’t.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      14 months ago

      A higher burden of proof, certainly, but less than 30k is still a large amount of money.