• @liv
    34 months ago

    That’s really fascinating!! Cool that you had your own supply.

    I was going to say weird about them not eating feijoas but Ithink loquats are like that in NZ, especially in Auckland. There are heaps of loquat trees that no one harvests. I used to eat a lot from them in my student days.

    • @DaveMA
      24 months ago

      Weird, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them. But this says they can grow in most areas of NZ, so it doesn’t seem like a problem with range. It also says you can roast and grind the seeds and use them like coffee!

      • @liv
        24 months ago

        They grow quite big and their fruits are small, about the size of a 20c piece, so people probably don’t notice them unless their brain already has them filed away as a food source. The last lot I had were from the side of the road.

        Turns out Aucklanders are not allowed to plant them any more!

        That’s interesting about drinking the seeds. Wonder if it’s nice.

        • @DaveMA
          14 months ago

          Ah, well I’m back to thinking it’s a range thing. They probably can grow all over the country, but perhaps they spread themselves in the warmer parts of the country so you’re far more likely to see them than in areas they have trouble spreading.

          • @liv
            24 months ago

            Come to think of it when I lived in Wellington I hardly saw any.