We deserve a better standard of political discourse in this country, in my view. It sounds like Mark Mitchell has done some pretty impressive things in his career, including taking on gangs and uncovering war crimes.

Meanwhile, so many people on the left think Saddam should have been left alone, conveniently ignoring the horrible crimes he inflicted on the Iraqi people.

It’s also worth noting that a security contractor is a very different role to a mercenary, and by the nature of his work, it sounds like he was very much the former.

We need better opposition in this country.

  • @liv
    54 months ago

    Oh for goodness sakes. I Aagree with you. I’m so sick of this one. It’s so lazy. I don’t understand why people don’t look into it.

    The irony is that the reality of what he was doing over there has serious implications for having him in government.

    He was a defense contractor for a subsidiary of a company that was so corrupt it was subpoena-ed by a US Grand Jury and indicted on fraud charges for stuff it did when he was part of it.

    They defrauded the US govt out of billions of dollars. Some of the people on Reddit dug into this years ago, I will never understand why neither the media or the left wing politicians picked up on it.