Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • ColonialSpore
    84 months ago

    I don’t like working anymore. I’m over it.
    Lost my passion for techy work things. All I think about now is hobby related stuff and where my next cycling trip will take me.

    I’m considering discussing a 4-day week with my employers, but I need to decide if the associated 20% pay cut is workable for me.

    Hmmmmm… decisions…

    • @DaveOPMA
      64 months ago

      When I feel this way I get a new job. I tend to change jobs every year or so 😆. Helps to get a pay rise as well!

      4x10 as mentioned is a good option too. But if you can afford to live with the pay cut, seriously consider it. Trading your mental health for money isn’t a good deal if you will still have enough money to live.

      • @Axisential
        64 months ago

        I cut my salary by around 50% when I moved back from Aus in 2020. Changed industry (medical marketing to tourism) and have never been happier. Work doesn’t feel like work most of the time now… I suspect you need a change h whether that’s a new job or a new industry, “change is as good as a holiday” is a truism for a reason!

        • ColonialSpore
          34 months ago

          I’ve been considering a complete change.
          I need a job I can leave at work and not think about when I’m home.
          I’m an engineer in a senior position yearning for something simple.

          Don’t laugh, I did consider becoming a bus driver.

          • @DaveOPMA
            34 months ago

            Honestly, just go do a course and get a bus licence, it shouldn’t be too much of an investment. Then do that for a while, come back to IT when (or if) you feel like it.

          • @liv
            24 months ago

            I don’t think that’s laughable. Work that follows you home can be so mentally/emotionally all-consuming and I think it’s pretty normal to fantasise about manual jobs with short, well-defined hours (and easy to forget they sometimes follow you home too, in the form of aching back muscles etc).

            Did you get into engineeting because you were passionate about some aspect of it? @[email protected] is right about some careers not feeling like work most of the time if you really enjoy them.

            • ColonialSpore
              34 months ago

              The reason I said don’t laugh is because that’s what most people do when I tell them that “… you’ll be wasting your talent…”. I should take Dave’s advice and get qualified as a driver before I’m too old to be considered.

              To answer your question, I was born an engineer so I can’t stop being one.
              But on the work front… my passions have changed.

              • @liv
                14 months ago

                Unless your talent is literally saving human lives (or your society made a huge investment in training you and hasn’t recouped yet), I don’t really buy the idea that you’re obligated to do what you’re best at. Because why? Do what makes you happy.

                I hope you are able to make a switch that engages your passions!

    • @catsdoingcatstuff
      64 months ago

      You and me both. I’m leaving my job in IT and taking a break for a few months. Hoping the time off will get me back in the mood to find a new position. This was my second career, not sure if I’m up for a third. :p Only two days until I’m done…

      • ColonialSpore
        64 months ago

        I don’t like working anymore. That’s the problem.

        • @d3Xt3r
          4 months ago

          Perhaps consider a change of careers? It’s never too late to try something different (assuming of course, you’re not under financial pressure or something). I’ve known many IT folks who moved into other fields, eg something adjacent like sales, project management, service delivery etc or something completely different, perhaps arts, trades or even business. Maybe take a break from work first, travel, meet people and have a think about what you’d like to do next.

          • ColonialSpore
            24 months ago

            Ya. No financial pressure. Just looking to slow down to make more time to play.

      • @thevoyagekayaking
        24 months ago

        I’ve tried the 4x10 thing, it’s pretty brutal, and I usually ended up exhausted and not really doing much all day Friday anyway.