Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @thevoyagekayaking
    35 months ago

    Abel Tasman is one of the most beautiful parts of the country, I hope you had a great time. I still want to actually walk the track one day.

    • @DaveOPMA
      25 months ago

      Yes, it was great! Was just there to relax and so didn’t walk much of the track (I guess about 1/5th since it’s about 60km long, and we walked around 9km from the north and 4 from the south), but we still got some great views, saw both older and regenerating forest, had some refreshing swims, waded through a low-tide inlet crossing a few times, and saw so many weka they felt almost as common as sparrows, not to mention all the fur seals, shags, and oyster catchers.

      The coast has heaps of people kayaking as well. I guess you can hire them somewhere, going up the coast in the water taxi there were dozens and dozens of them spread along the coast and beaches.