Being the country kid I am, I’ve only just thought about parking for [edit] tonight’s Foo Fighters concert in Christchurch. Of course, nothing available at the venue itself now. Yeah, only myself to blame there…

So, next best option for parking? I assume the nearby Tower Junction shopping centre are wise to people parking there and police the crap out of it?

Help me People of Christchurch, you’re my only hope!

  • @DaveMA
    15 months ago

    Oh good plan! I’m glad you made it! Now I can ask: how was the show?

    • @AxisentialOP
      25 months ago

      Absolutely brilliant. I’m only a casual fan really but DG is just an absolute legend on stage - giving 100%, 100% of the time. Totally engaged with the crowd and just generally having fun. Considering he’s been doing this for almost 30 years, it’s frankly astounding that he’s not just going through the motions. A consummate professional and brilliant entertainer.

      • @DaveMA
        25 months ago

        That’s awesome to hear! I’m also only a casual fan but I’d love to see them. I know they are playing in Wellington this weekend but the timing doesn’t quite work with us away on holiday only returning late on Saturday.