On the way up to Mt Liverpool

  • @DaveMA
    45 months ago

    Is this you? I’m just reading about it:

    The tramping route has been highlighted as one of the most dangerous, both in New Zealand and worldwide, due to the hazardous alpine nature of the track.[3][4][5] The route is maintained by the Department of Conservation, who recommend it is best attempted by experienced trampers.[1] A 2014 proposal to install safety rails was not adopted, partly so as not to encourage attempts by less-experienced hikers.[6]

    I think I’ll just look at the pictures.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      I’ve done it, it’s a pretty ordinary track and not dangerous if you have some common sense. The top part by the pylon(near to OP’s picture) might be the best view I’ve ever seen! Take the steep part slowly and carefully especially if it’s wet, don’t go on a steep snow slope if you don’t have crampons and ice axe, take enough warm clothes and waterproofs for the alpine environment, take a map. It’s just because it’s so accessible, and people think that it’s going to be the same as the well built tourist roads like the West Matukituki and Rees-Dart.

      And watch out for the kea, they will stop at nothing to steal and destroy all your stuff.

      • fallaciousreasoningOP
        25 months ago

        We bivy’d out - I got woken up in the night by a Kea pecking my toes. They’re definitely cheekier than Kea in other bits of the country 🤣

    • fallaciousreasoningOP
      25 months ago

      Its actually not too bad, especially in Summer when the weather is good. I think a lot of the accidents are from Winter, with bad avalanche conditions, or when it’s wet/icey - I know there have been a few skiiers caught out (even when there’s only a little snow). Definitely not anything near a mountaineering route.

      Lovely walk though (and great views down the Matukituki)!