Plastic upon plastic…

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    21 year ago

    Yeah, it’s just like people and Diet Coke.

    I’ve always been on the side of, surely there’s got to be something damning that comes out about them, and it seems that they believe some of the ingredients could be potential carcinogens?

    • @DaveMA
      21 year ago

      I mean, we know for a fact that alcohol and bacon (and other processed meat) cause cancer, but that doesn’t stop us drinking/eating them.

      Then you have things such as red meat listed as “probable carcinogens”.

      The aspertame in Diet Coke is apparently going to be listed in the next group down, “possible carcinogen”. This is a pretty big group and is really just saying there are hints that it may be true.

      Being listed as “possible” might deter some people but it’s unlikely to be many judging by how popular bacon is. But I think in 100 years the diets of people will be unrecognisable compared to what people eat today.

      For reference, there’s a list here:

      The groups are explained here:

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        21 year ago

        Ooh, shows I didn’t do my research and just looked at the headline this morning haha. I’ll need to do some more reading into it later after work.