Nature series Our Big Blue Backyard drew one complaint to media watchdog that it should not have given the program a G, or general, classification

[…] In the offending scene, a female dolphin is targeted by a pack of male dolphins that mate with her.

“She’s trapped at the surface, and the males take turns. Once they’ve all mated with her, they leave her alone,” the narrator says, accompanied by underwater footage of the encounter and dramatic music.

The BSA said the footage included “the male dolphins swarming around the female with their genitalia visible, and at one point a male visibly entered the female … accompanied by audio of dolphin cries”.

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  • sadbehr
    31 year ago

    This sounds like it could be interesting. Please do explain! I have zero knowledge of duck mating habits.

    • @2dollarsim
      41 year ago

      I don’t have any personal experience of duck mating either, but from what I understand, the females kept developing longer and twisted vaginal canals, leading to male ducks having a penis that looks like a corkscrew. Plenty of images on google to wow your coworkers!