Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @[email protected]
    26 months ago

    Honestly the big tech way is so much less headache than the other stuff. I’ve had a Chromecast and not apple tv and its quite decent. Most game consoles do the job really well too

    • Panq
      26 months ago

      I’ve had a Chromecast and not apple tv and its quite decent.

      The main thing that bugs me about my Chromecast is the gradual loss of functionality over time, presumably as a part of planned obsolescence or deliberately crippling features to make you pay for premium options.

      Next time I need to replace/upgrade something, I think I’m just going to skip streaming at all and just hide a full desktop somewhere and pirate everything.

      • @DaveOPMA
        16 months ago

        Today I wall-mounted our TV, then strapped an old laptop to the back with Kodi on it. Looks great so long as you don’t look behind the TV 😆

    • @DaveOPMA
      16 months ago

      I don’t mind headaches 😄. We don’t have any game consoles (and none planned for Christmas). I was thinking of setting up Kodi or something but I’m not sure how the remote would work in with that.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            Yeah, most of the off-the-shelf stuff will phone home in one way or another. The second you sign into Netflix, etc, that phones home and sells your data in the same way.

            If you’re running a Sonarr/Plex set-up anyway, maybe just a tiny htpc and you’re done.

            • @DaveOPMA
              26 months ago

              The difference with Netflix is it’s limited in it’s data collection as it runs in the browser. A hardware device pretty much has free rein.

              I’ve got a PC attached to the TV, I was looking for an alway on option (as the PC fan is noisy) that doesn’t need keyboard mouse, it’s just kinda there and you use a remote with it. I was considering Kodi, though others seem to think it’s a headache to work with so I might install it on my laptop and have a play as a low-stakes way of trialing it.

                • @DaveOPMA
                  16 months ago

                  Yeah I’ve seen this come up a lot, it seems it’s Android TV with decent specs so it isn’t slow like some others. People are pretty happy with them.

                  I’d prefer to avoid Android TV if I can, so first I’m gonna set up Kodi on hardware I already have and order a cheap remote to see if it will do the job. If not, I’ll have to make a call between Apple TV and an Android TV based one like the Shield. But I’ll try the almost-free option before spending hundreds 😆

                  • @[email protected]
                    26 months ago

                    I’m usually very hands on with tech, and at some point I found a lot of happiness in just letting go and getting off the shelf stuff that just works. Apple TV has been ideal for me after fucking around with everything else out there. Plex watched what I watch and serves up suggestions, at some point I just don’t care haha

        • @DaveOPMA
          6 months ago

          Coincidentally came across this post with a person being presented an ad while watching a DVD, apparently it’s a Roku thing.

            • @DaveOPMA
              16 months ago

              From the info in that thread, it seems like Roku owns the technology to screenshot what you’re watching and identify it, to base ads on. They licence this technology to other TV makers so it’s not just Roku but other smart TVs. I think it’s the TVs and not the Roku Stick, but I guess you’re just a software update away from on screen ads…