Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    10 months ago

    I was at Concord Dawn last night…

    I’m so fucked. I haven’t stayed up past like, 1am for years. I got home at 4am.

    The circadian rhythm part of my brain is so pissed off. I will not achieve anything today.

    • Albatr0ss@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I love DnB, saw Concord Dawn a few times back in the day. Couldn’t do it now though. I’ve figured out I’m not a nightowl, and being in my late 30s, am lurching towards decrepitness. Also insomnia, I’d be screwed for a few days after. At least I had some good times out all night when I was a youngun.

      Hope you had a good night despite the sleep disruption!