Any of you guys get wonkybox delivered?

This week’s included gold beetroot and apache potatoes which I’ve never seen in my life.

Looking to share (well… mostly receive I guess) tips on what to cook up, how to use what’s in the box best etc

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶OP
    21 year ago


    Yeah slaw sounds like a plan, I’ll try roasting them too.

    Also got onion, leeks, broccoli, so roast is on the menu

    • @DaveMA
      21 year ago

      My mother in law makes a nice white sauce and leek dish, which goes good with a roast. I don’t know the recipe though, I don’t know if the leeks are cooked first or just in the sauce but you could probably search up a recipe.

      Broccoli and onions are also great roasted!

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶OP
        21 year ago

        My helpful AI chatbot gave this suggestion:

        sure thing! here are some recipe ideas that incorporate some of those ingredients: potato and leek soup - boil potatoes and leeks together until softened, then blend with chicken broth to create a creamy soup. add salt and pepper to taste.

        Sounds like a real thing…