In an analysis, academics recently found several cases of pro-CCP and pro-NZ-National-Party bias in NZ Chinese-language media. It’s long been known that China interferes in Chinese-language media here.

Interestingly, it appears the CCP and NZ Chinese-language media are currently putting their weight behind National MP Nancy Lu. She was secretly “trained as a candidate” by former National MP Jian Yang, according to a statement made by Yang in 2020. Notably, Yang used to train spies for the People’s Liberation Army before he came to NZ, and left parliament after intelligence agencies flagged him over his relationship with the CCP.

  • @BalpeenHammer
    -11 year ago

    The comparisons you make to our government, The Herald, the US, etc. show me that you really don’t know how extreme and extensive China’s activities are here.

    How extreme are they? For example did the chinese government send the police to the Herald and RNZ and threaten to arrest them if they published a transcript of a recording they obtained?

    If you want to know, try listening to that podcast and evaluate the evidence for yourself.

    I have and I don’t really see much evidence at all. All I see is accusations and weasel worded framing of things like in the article you linked to.

    Of course, you’re welcome to remain ignorant if you want. But that won’t change the reality of what’s going on with China.

    See? You deem anybody who disagrees with you as being ignorant. This is what I am talking about. You present no evidence and when somebody says they don’t believe you then you attack them for being ignorant or stupid.

    • @RaoulDukeOPM
      11 year ago

      Just because you chose to reject the evidence I presented; doesn’t mean I didn’t present it. And I’m sorry if you see being called ignorant about something as an attack. It’s not intended to be. I will gladly admit I’m ignorant of many things. If a person thinks they’re ignorant of nothing they have no space to learn or grow. The fact is, someone who doesn’t know about something is ignorant about it. And that was the case with you about China. I certainly didn’t call you stupid (please stop with the straw men - you’ve done it several times on Lemmy and it’s a bad faith way of arguing which only devalues your opinion).

      If you actually listened through all four episodes of that podcast and all you heard was accusations and weasel words, I don’t know what to tell you. In my experience talking to you on here, you seem reasonably intelligent, but it really feels as though you choose not to learn about and/or understand things that challenge your beliefs. That means there’s no point discussing things with you that you’re not already knowledgeable about. It’s why I initially stopped engaging with you on here. I thought I’d give you another try, but I won’t be doing that again soon. Have fun out there. Mānawatia a Matariki!

      • @BalpeenHammer
        11 year ago

        Just because you chose to reject the evidence I presented; doesn’t mean I didn’t present it.

        One of the greatest failings of our education system is the inability to teach the difference between a claim and an evidence. You have provided no evidence. You haven’t even provided a clear and distinct claim. Your claim is basically “china is doing something” without even saying what exactly they are doing let alone providing evidence of their actions.

        The fact is, someone who doesn’t know about something is ignorant about it. And that was the case with you about China.

        Just because I don’t accept your vague innuendos as facts doesn’t mean I am ignorant.

        If you actually listened through all four episodes of that podcast and all you heard was accusations and weasel words

        No I am not going to listen to hours and hours of some biased people repeating the same accusations over and over again.

        Make a specific accusation such as “the chinese government is ordering the chinese language press to say positive things about china”. Then present some evidence. And then tell me why I should be alarmed at such an event and not be alarmed about any other country doing the same thing including my own.

        Also go ahead and make a specific claim about what chinese citizens are spying for china and present your evidence for it. That’s a pretty fucking serious accusation and the government should start criminal investigations if it’s true.

        I am not going to be convinced by weasel worded innuendos. If you want me to support your efforts to undermine our relationship with China you are going to have to bring much more to the table.