Sat 1 July, 3:00 pm

I’m stopping now and will unpin this soon. Hipkins is back, coverage is winding down, and I’m not keeping up with it anyway. Here are the final stories:

Thu 29 June, 11:30 pm

Thu 29 June, 11:30 am

Wed 28 June, 10:30 pm

Update 29 June 1:20pm: Added Beehive press releases

Wed 28 June, 1:15 pm and earlier in comments due to character limit

  • @erthanu
    41 year ago

    What I don’t get about Luxon saying he’d fly commercial instead of paying for the maintenance of the 757’s, is that doesn’t the airforce need to maintain the planes anyway? If we can’t replace them until 2030 is he suggesting we just don’t have them at all until then?

    • Griffchang
      11 year ago

      I hope he does deal to let another million come in to New Zealand from HK

    • @BalpeenHammer
      11 year ago

      He has to make a statement and it has to reflect negatively on the administration. In this case it also reflects negatively on the country but he doesn’t seem to understand that.