I’ve created a bot on a stopdrinking community at lemmy.world, and due to a bug it posted the wrong day in the title. I’ve manually updated it by logging in as the bot on lemmy.world, which works fine, but when visiting the post on lemmy.nz it still shows the old title.

Lemmy.world post: https://lemmy.world/post/540936 “Copy” at lemmy.nz: https://lemmy.nz/post/159526 Notice that here the title shows “Saturday”, instead of Sunday.

Is this a bug related to version 0.18?

  • @DaveMA
    11 year ago

    Hey it looks like this eventually got updated, the post title looks ok now.

    • @sylverstreamOP
      21 year ago

      Lemmy.world has upgraded to 0.18 as well by the looks of it, perhaps that’s why.

      Thanks for checking :)