I’ve created a bot on a stopdrinking community at lemmy.world, and due to a bug it posted the wrong day in the title. I’ve manually updated it by logging in as the bot on lemmy.world, which works fine, but when visiting the post on lemmy.nz it still shows the old title.

Lemmy.world post: https://lemmy.world/post/540936 “Copy” at lemmy.nz: https://lemmy.nz/post/159526 Notice that here the title shows “Saturday”, instead of Sunday.

Is this a bug related to version 0.18?

  • @DaveMA
    21 year ago

    It could be, or it could be because of a change in the setup. Has anyone else noticed anything on other servers?

      • @DaveMA
        31 year ago

        Thanks! The comments seem imply wider issues (i.e. not just lemmy.world). Some big instances are on 0.18.0 but some (including lemmy.world) are on 0.17.4 still. Maybe this has something to do with it? It might get better once they upgrade.

      • @sylverstreamOP
        11 year ago

        I noticed that as well. Some comments are still missing on a post on lemmy.world. I’m hoping/assuming it’s fixed now lemmy.world has been upgraded.