Like if somehow the minor parties (Act, Greens, NZF, the cult party, TOP, etc) got enough votes and then also decided to join against both major parties? It would be a total mishmash and would never happen but what do you think would happen if we hopped into bizzarro world?

  • @DaveMA
    28 months ago

    TBH I can’t see Labour supporting it either, so I’m expecting that Greens don’t actually think they can get it in. If they were trying to form a coalition with NZF I think they could find common ground, but a wealth tax would not be where they gel. Winnie is the master of pragmatism though, so he would find a way to get through some policies, but probably I would think his main efforts would be negotiating to not do certain things, and he’d consider that a success.

    Ultimately I think they would reach an agreement that gets Winnie some power again, because he loves it.

    • @Ilovethebomb
      28 months ago

      Half of Labour’s MPs are landlords, that’s why.