Let’s look on the bright side. The people voted this way (quite significantly) so they must be seeing something positive there. I already know all the downsides so let’s discuss the upsides.

  • @z2k_
    8 months ago

    Looking forward to seeing actual consequences for committing crime, less wasteful government spending which should hopefully reduce inflation, and better education standards to set our kids up for University.

    Edit: Ohh, this was the sarcastic look on the bright side question and not actually wanting to know what others are thinking. I guess I won’t answer these types of questions anymore.

    • @HappyPig
      88 months ago

      How do you expect kids to achieve “better standards” without funding or resources?

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶OP
      8 months ago

      No. I was not being sarcastic, I am legitimately trying to find something positive because otherwise its just miserable. Thanks for honestly answering the question

    • @jeff11
      8 months ago

      There won’t be any significant change, and they will become bigger spenders than Labour when it comes to prisons. Supposedly the prison system is at maximum capacity and it’s just not popular to build more prisons (even though we should). I’d be in favour of National if their policy included building something like the Black Dolphin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Dolphin_Prison) but then having normal prisons for people who commit minor offenses, like swearing on the phone or not paying their parking fines.

      As far as I’m concerned Luxon is just a twink who takes it up the can. He’s not the far-right over-zealous Christian bigot that Reddit says he is. He’s not going to make any significant changes - and his policies will cost the tax payer more. How many prisons will they need to build to keep people locked up? This is the question that nobody is asking. What is the cost to the tax payer? And what will they do as an incentive to not ram raid, not join gangs and not commit crime? The minimum wage isn’t enough to live on. If I suddenly have to buy a new car I’ll have to ask my folks for some money. National and Labour are crap parties and I don’t understand why anyone votes for them, they have destroyed the economy, made everything unaffordable.

      If you don’t go to uni at 17, get a degree by age 20, get into middle management in your 20s, then you’ll just never own a new Mazda or a house. Even if you do everything perfectly, at best you can own a small townhouse and have 2 children by the time you’re 40. The quality of life keeps going down, even for the upper middle class. We stress out and work hard just for basics. This country is a hellhole.