Will Chris win?

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    I found that too. Any political conversation I had this cycle were basically: “Winston for the shit stir” or “Lifelong (insert party) voter”. Nobody I spoke to really knew any policy.

    • @DaveMA
      99 months ago

      I’ve been mentioning the cool Act policies in passing to people I talk with. No one knew that they want to remove all building standards, repeal the act that sets our carbon reduction targets, or allow employers to call everyone contractors to get around employee protections and so they don’t have to pay annual/sick leave, etc. I’ll be watching the coalition negotiations with interest.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Yup - “oh why vote for those losers” yet when I asked what they disagree with they have nothing. I feel like alot of nationals vote was “i want something different”, a tax cut or lifetime members.