We built a house 7 years ago and it’s insulated and has double glazing. I’ve installed Home Assistant with temp sensors in the bed rooms and seeing 70%+ humidity levels. Temperature is always above 16c

We ventilate it, but still it’s 70% in the bedrooms. WHO recommends 40-60%, so we’re a bit worried.

Living room is around 55% during the day when we have the heat pump set at 21c.

As it’s pretty humid outside I think it’s almost impossible to get it lower, but are there any other tips? I don’t want to run dehumidifiers. Would an HRV like system help?

  • @cabbage
    1 year ago

    4 year old house, double glazing. We have the heat pump set at 21dg on 24x7 all winter and never really open windows.

    Current temps and moisture levels:

    If you’re worried about moisture I recommend a dehumidifier, those things work wonders and much cheaper than retrofitting ventilation like the other poster mentioned.

    I guess it’s worth mentioning, we have a tumble drier in the garage so the house doesn’t get any moisture from drying clothes.

    • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
      21 year ago

      A lot of modern heat-pumps have a dehumidifier mode. But likely if they’re set to Auto they’ll never switch to using it I think.

    • @sylverstreamOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks. Those numbers are similar to ours. We never really opened windows either, we’re aiming to do that daily from now on.

      Just bought a dehumidifier. Indeed easiest and cheapest solution.

      • @cabbage
        31 year ago

        I’m ok with that humidity to be honest, I am not seeing any mould.

        • @sylverstreamOP
          31 year ago

          We only a little bit in certain clothes and in the bottom of our alu window frames.

          Still above 60% is apparently not healthy. I’d recommend to look into it.