How the fuck is this legal??

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶OP
    79 months ago

    Greens for free dental. And all that ‘improve the lower classes wellbeing’ stuff.

    I’m sure there’s a good joke to be made about voting for Greens for dental and coming back to bite you because you have teeth when you’re 80 or something.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      What are greens offering? Dental for over 60s ? Under 10s. Greens are a good shout but prefer unfortunately to vote labour just so I don’t get national

      • @Longpork_afficianado
        69 months ago

        Voting greens if is effectively still a vote for labour, as theyre unlikely to get 60 seats on their own. Its just a vote that lets them pput more pressure on labour when forming a coalition.

        • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
          59 months ago

          Some would argue that voting Green is better than voting Labour as it forces Labour / gives Labour cover to do left-wing things while campaigning as centre-right.