On my lunch break I went to the nearest shopping centre to vote. I was the only person in the place under the age of 70.

People complain that the government isn’t radically overhauling our entire economy and society, this is the reason for that.

  • @jeff11
    -79 months ago


    if they don’t pass emergency housing laws IMMEDIATELY then I’m not remotely interested in voting. The housing CRISIS requires emergency regulation, like the anti-terror emergency they rolled out after 2019 when they took everyone’s guns. We need the same level or urgency, not less.

    • @BalpeenHammerOP
      119 months ago

      Do you think emergency housing laws will be passed if you don’t vote?

    • ColonialSpore
      49 months ago

      Not voting is the worst thing you can do. You should vote for a party that you consider to be the least bad one. Not voting is giving a vote to the strongest party. Is you don’t vote, then you can’t complain about anything. You’re accepting the situation as it stands.

    • @liv
      19 months ago

      So, why not vote for whoever is most likely to do this?