Anyone got any ideas for an icon or banner?

First off, we need a good icon for [email protected]. We don’t want to change the icon very often, if at all. It needs to work as a small circle and a square.

On the other hand, I would like to change the banner from time to time. I’ve just put one up, but it’s a stock photo. I’d love to use pics from the community. It can be hard to find pics that work because they get cropped very short and wide (740×230 px on the main page, even shorter and wider on Jerboa). Any ideas are welcome, doesn’t have to be scenery.

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go to !politics - the icon is the orange man lemmy, and the banner is the photo of the parliament buildings)

  • @RaoulDukeOPM
    21 year ago

    They’ve modernised it now, like this and this.

    But are you talking about one of the old-school ones, like this?

    I like that idea. I might have a play around with it. I’m not too keen on having a military emblem, just because it might convey the wrong message.

    • @sortofblue
      21 year ago

      Yes, definitely the old spiky one. If we lop the logo off the bottom and brighten the colours, maybe.

      • @RaoulDukeOPM
        21 year ago

        I kind of like the shitty retro colours haha. But it’s not easy getting a triangle to work with both a square and a circle.

        It either looks weird when it's a square

        Or it doesn't fit in the circle


        I don’t mind the second one, but I think it looks better without the triangle at all (see my other comment)