This is a fantastic initiative. Hopefully all parties subscribe to this.

It’s win win for all involved. Only power companies would be against this.

  • @Ilovethebomb
    29 months ago

    I’m currently paying 10c/kwh off peak, and most of our power is used off peak, I doubt a battery would pay for itself any time soon. Besides, they’re not the most environmentally friendly option.

    • @NoRamyunForYou
      29 months ago

      Just totally random, but I suddenly thought of when they first introduced hybrid power into F1, and kept it quite open for the manufacturers to come up with their own solution, and at least one team (from memory) tested flywheels.

      Wondered if someones done a residential scale flywheel, and it seems like there’s been at least some research into it.

      • @Ilovethebomb
        39 months ago

        Those systems more or less completely charged and discharged in each corner from memory, there wasn’t all that much energy in the system.

        The only realistic use case I can think of would be keeping power on long enough for a generator to spin up. Otherwise you’d have a moving part with a scary amount of inertia that needs routine maintenance, and otherwise just sits there.

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          29 months ago

          True. Does sound like a lot of maintenance and dangerr