Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @liv
    510 months ago

    You must be learning heaps of cool stuff by running this instance!

    • @DaveOPMA
      610 months ago

      Haha oh boy, it has been quite the learning experience. It has been really cool watching everything come together in terms of all the instances learning how to solve a bunch of reasonably unique problems.

      When I look back, I think both “I can’t believe it’s already been 3 months” and also “I can’t believe it’s only been 3 months”.

      • @liv
        610 months ago

        Sounds so intense but also what you describe about collaboration really makes me feel optimistic about human nature and the future of the internet.

        One day you’ll be reminiscing about these times and how you wrre part of it all. I really believe federation is the internet’s best direction.

        • @DaveOPMA
          510 months ago

          Yeah me too. All the things people say are blockers to federation going mainstream, I don’t think are insurmountable. Federation need not be more complicated than email, it’s just we are in the early days and the focus is on having things actually work rather than quality of life. That will change as things mature.

          • @liv
            410 months ago

            Yeah, I think one day it’s going to have way less friction and be taken for granted.

            and the focus is on having things actually work rather than quality of life

            That’s a good way of putting it. I wonder if there’s like, a tech version of Maslow’s heirarchy of need?

            • @DaveOPMA
              9 months ago

              There’s one listed here. I would say Lemmy is still working on the “functionality” part, as it is missing many basic functions needed to meet what I think is the bare minimum. So it’s still very much only suitable for early adopters willing to put up with jankyness.

              As with Maslow’s hierarchy it is essential for a design to meet the lowest need on the pyramid before progressing to meet further needs.

              Functionality – for a design to meet any need it must work and it must meet the basic needs of the user. However, if this is all it does; it may well be seen as having little value if any to the user in the short to long-term.

              Reliability – the next step is for your design to function in a reliable manner and present a consistent experience. This may increase the user’s perception of the value of your product from a purely functional one but it does not add large amounts of value either.

              Usability – then a design should be simple to use and relatively forgiving of user error. When you meet this need the product is likely to be considered of middling value by the user.

              Proficiency – a design which helps a user to do more or achieve more is one which is likely to be desired as a high-level of value and fulfil user needs more effectively.

              Creativity – the final step in the design pyramid is to create products which fulfil all other needs and are beautiful not just in form but also in interaction and function. This is where the highest user value is placed (think Apple products for an example in real life).

              • @liv
                39 months ago

                Ah thanks, this is so cool!!! TIL!

                Yeah I think you’re right. I love this part of the fediverse but it does feel janky and require a certain amount of perseverence even just as a casual user.