Some kinda hilarious quotes from the owner here.

I’m not even sure what they’re doing. I believe they’re protesting against light rail or something."

Gazley said the dealership supported sustainable transport options.

“Maybe they should inspect some of the vehicles that we have, because the majority of them are hybrid and electric vehicles.”

And then…

“And then I believe they tried to glue their hands to the footpath, but the glue didn’t set in time and they were arrested by the police.”

Maybe they’ll go after a Tesla dealership next?

  • @jeff11
    10 months ago

    I’ll support vandalism if they spray paint Parliament and glue their hands to the doors at Parliament, so that MPs can’t get to work. Until that happens I won’t take this group seriously.

    You know Dave, I’ve just been emailing Christchurch councillors and I’ve had a few responses. I’m pretty good at getting information and finding out where to get press reports and stuff like that, but I struggle to understand the council. I don’t know how I can oppose these residents’ associations and I’m just learning that stuff now. We need a group that will make democracy accessible for someone who works 6 days a week, who can’t attend most meetings.

    These ultra-leftwing groups are just fecking dumb. I’m in favour of having apartments and cycleways and proper public transport, but I’d never agree to help the kind of activities which Restore Passenger Rail is engaged in. There are meetings at the local council that I could be protesting but I usually find out at the last minute, or after it’s too late. Meanwhile, a death cult is attacking a business over an alarmist prophecy.

    They could be helping me do something useful, like pry boomers away and stop them from corrupting the council.

      • @jeff11
        210 months ago

        Sure, but Renters United isn’t active in Christchurch. I’m not aware of any local events they’re promoting. As far as I’m aware, nobody is even attending council meetings or community discussions that are often held at churches.

        • @IlovethebombOP
          29 months ago

          I had a quick look through their website, they want to implement rent control as a way of controlling the housing crisis.

          Because the best way to increase the supply of something is to limit the price of it.

          • @jeff11
            29 months ago

            They focus on renters rights but I wish they’d do more about having a proper housing market. You know, complete with competition and stuff like that.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      110 months ago

      They never do this to the actual decision makers, do they? It’s always people just trying to go about their lives that cop it.