Some of us weren’t far off with the gambling levy, being an online service after all.

Actually some solid proposals there, I’m impressed.

  • @DaveMA
    210 months ago

    I’m also surprised at some decent proposals in here, particularly changing the income tax thresholds which is long overdue.

    I’m least surprised by the income tax threshold changes. I’m pretty sure they have talked about it before, and in any case it’s a pretty normal thing for National to do (reduce income tax).

    I am worried about what their cut to “spending in back office functions in government departments” actually entails and what is considered non-core/frontline agencies. As it stands wait times for a lot of processes now are really long.

    They have said the cuts will come from the core agencies, the ones that most people interact with in a given year. I bet when they get into the detail of things they will have to renege on this promise.

    It’s taken almost a full year for us to hear back from DIA over a mistake that was made on a birth certificate.

    Have you been following up? It doesn’t sound typical. DIA deal with these things on a daily basis. If you’re talking about an overseas one, that’s a lot more difficult because it’s pretty common for people to get a new birth certificate from their home country with a new date of birth on it (in particular, making themselves a bit older so they can get superannuation). Those cases have a higher standard to meet.

    Not a fan of returning interest deductibility to rentals and reducing the brightline test again.

    I get the point of the interest deductibility thing, but realistically this just makes tax obligations more complicated to fulfill. I’d much prefer addressing the housing cost issue in other ways. Rentals are a business and businesses get to deduct their expenses.

    Reducing the brightline test is, in my view, not good. It’s needed to balance out the lack of capital gains tax that would normally apply.

    Edit: Also not happy about scrapping public transport subsidies even though I don’t use it. And “Undoing Labour’s recent extension of 20 hours free early childhood education to two year olds.” I don’t think their FamilyBoost rebate/tax credit thing makes up for it.

    I missed those details. Sometimes I wonder who their target voter base is.

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      210 months ago

      Have you been following up?

      Yep followed up twice. This was for our daughter born Oct last year. We called them as soon as we got the birth certificate. The mistake was definitely my fault as I entered a date wrong. They said it would take a month or so. Followed up again in January as we hadn’t heard anything. They couldn’t find our original reference and said they had to resubmit again and it would take 4 months now. Only just received an email in the last week asking for more information. It’s not really an emergency so we didn’t bother chasing them after the second time.

      Sometimes I wonder who their target voter base is.

      I think we both know it trends towards the haves rather than the have nots…

      • @DaveMA
        210 months ago

        It sounds like DIA still haven’t caught up after the COVID massive backlogs. About time for some public service cuts (apparently).

        I think we both know it trends towards the haves rather than the have nots…

        Sure, but a vote for Act is a vote for a National government. And many of that audience would never vote Labour. They need to be targeting the swingvote (say, reasonably well off people early in their careers with young kids).

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          210 months ago

          I guess you’re right. However I think anyone that’s reasonably well off will take the policy at face value and be happy they get more benefits, at the cost of public services that they’re less reliant on.

          I’m not really into politics and I’m more concerned with the future society my kids are going to inherit. I’m at a loss this year of who to vote for as they are all not giving me much hope.