The last few posts made here, they’ve shown up, made the most inane, idiotic, and pointless comments, upvoted each other in a frenzy of circle jerking, and generally made a pest of themselves.

They’re a nuisance, and add nothing of value to the Lemmy experience.

  • @IlovethebombOP
    410 months ago

    The issue is, there is no discussion or exchange of ideas happening, just a group of people behaving like seagulls.

    • magicker catto
      1510 months ago

      Very good faith reply here. I have no choice but to take you at face value.

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        1610 months ago

        That’s always the way with these threads. Just formless whining that boils down to “they’re too active” and you look at OP’s user history and someone gently pushed back on them being casually racist the previous day.