Not all NZ content is on this instance, so I thought it would be helpful to create a list of NZ focused communities (with some level of filtering) to help people find what they are looking for.

Links are handled a bit weird at the moment in Lemmy. These communities will be linked to the page for the community, to make it easier for our users to subscribe. If you’re on another instance, the page will give you a community address to copy to the search bar of your instance, e.g. “[email protected]”. Copy this to the search form, click search, and wait 5-10 seconds for it to show up (quicker if someone else has searched before you).

Communities marked as (new) may not have much content yet.


  • Aotearoa / New Zealand - share posts about Aotearoa. For NZ related posts that don’t fit better in another community.
  • Off topic - For memes, random thoughts, or discussion of international news for NZers.
  • NZ Politics - For posts about politics or where a government is central to the article.
  • Support - Ask for help on, also used for announcement posts

Regional discussion




If you have found any others that are starting to get traction or would make a good complement to these, then reply below!

  • @DaveOPMA
    311 months ago

    Yeah like I mentioned in the original post, Lemmy doesn’t handle links nicely yet. I presume this is true even when connecting from Kbin.

    If the community is on, then you can probably copy the URL into Kbin search. If it’s on another instance, once you click through to the page for the community, under the title there is a link to the community on the home instance. Click this, then copy the URL and search. Hopefully that works.

    • livus
      211 months ago

      Thanks for helping me! Kbin search isn’t working for me yet, so that just error messaged, but when it does I will try again.

      • @DaveOPMA
        311 months ago

        How did you connect to this community to ask your question? Can you do the same thing for the others?

        • livus
          311 months ago

          It just showed up in my feed on the first day we federated.

          Kbin is still being written by the dev (I think it’s only a month old) and has had a sudden influx; it’s very much a work in progress. It’s kind of like living in Dark City, everything keeps changing :)

          I tried to reverse engineer a link to your links based on the link I see for this thread, but it doesn’t work. One day!

          • @DaveOPMA
            211 months ago

            Hmm, interesting! For it to show up, someone must have successfully introduced the community to kbin. Unfortunately I have not used kbin at all, so I can’t help :(