Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • @DaveMA
    10 months ago

    @[email protected] @[email protected] an update above. Jokes on you, “Show context” doesn’t work on the website so you might have trouble finding the comment I’m replying to 😀

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      310 months ago

      At least it got sorted! I’m too lazy these days to do good coffee at home, we just buy instant now.

      Funnily enough I had a post haste delivery shortly after you mentioned it. Didn’t show up the whole day it was scanned as on board, then the guy knocked on our door at 9.30PM because he was driving by and didn’t want to come back the next day.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        310 months ago

        Yeah same here!

        I will still do the occasional drip coffee from home ground beans, but I see myself more often than not using Pods with Allpress capsules, or even more recently Korean “Maxim” instant coffee.

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          310 months ago

          Is that a 3 in 1 style coffee? I prefer no sugar so stopped with all the Asian style ones. Usually just get what’s on sale at the supermarket

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            310 months ago

            Yea that’s the one.

            Got Coffee, powdered milk and sugar. Can feel a little guilty sometimes because its pretty sweet, but it’s nice to have sometimes :)

      • @DaveMA
        210 months ago

        I’m not really one for caffeine hits, honestly too much caffeine makes me tired. No idea why. I’d rather drink no coffee than instant 😀

        I’m not even a coffee connoisseur, I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about a coffee except whether I liked it or not.

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          310 months ago

          I cut back sometime ago to only one black coffee a day in the mornings, it was tough breaking the habit. Used to get a headache in the afternoons when I’d skip my afternoon coffee.

          Instant’s not THAT bad once you get used to it… some of the really cheap ones are much worse than others though

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            310 months ago

            I also recently cut down on my caffeine consumption and have felt a lot better.

            I used to feel a bit weird sometimes in the afternoon - a nauseous/sickly feeling, and after doing the math on how much caffeine I was having on a regular basis (morning capsule coffee, 3~4 cups of green tea during the work day, and a drip coffee just after lunch), figured it might of been the cause.

            Have really cut down to a coffee in the morning, and a cup or two of tea throughout the day, and haven’t felt ill since.

            • @eagleeyedtiger
              310 months ago

              I realised I needed to try cutting down when skipping or delaying that afternoon coffee would leave me with a headache. I’m pretty much just drinking one in the morning now. The only tea I really drink is rooibos at night which happens to be caffeine free.

              • @NoRamyunForYou
                310 months ago

                Ooh I love rooibos. Just a really nice drink to have :)

          • @[email protected]OP
            310 months ago

            Interesting to see your comment about a coffee seemingly stopping your pm headaches.

            Mrs Floofah sometimes suffers from Hypnic headaches at night. Always has a coffee shot in a glass ready to hand and it stops the headache very quickly. Her headaches seem to come in phases, 2 weeks every night, then nothing for 2 weeks.

            • @eagleeyedtiger
              310 months ago

              That is interesting. For me it was more that I pretty much had a coffee at the same time every afternoon every single day. I’m guessing my body expected that caffeine hit every afternoon and wasn’t happy when I started cutting it out.

          • @DaveMA
            210 months ago

            I feel like instance coffee is just a different flavour. I prefer making coffee from grinds, but like you I’m typically just a one black coffee in the morning kind of guy. Sometimes I go weeks without having any.

            Today I had two because I made one before remembering about the bourbon beans I got, so I had to have a second.

            • @eagleeyedtiger
              210 months ago

              I’m not sure I could do the weeks without. It’s so ingrained as part of my morning routine now… get up, boil water, make coffee.

              I do find mixing the instant with some cold water first then filling with the boiled water tastes better though.

              • @DaveMA
                210 months ago

                Only a barbarian would pour boiling water right onto their coffee 😄

                • @eagleeyedtiger
                  210 months ago

                  Well I am drinking instant, so it’s not like taste is high priority 😅