The database migrations took a while which meant about 10 minutes of downtime between 9:09pm and 9:19pm NZT. But the site is now up and hopefully running OK. Let me know if you see any issues. I’m hoping this will lead to a more stable site, but one big issue still hasn’t been resolved so I can’t promise anything.

And since we’re doing an announcement post, here’s a couple of things to check out that I never officially announced:

  • Voyager (previously called wefwef) is a web app for Lemmy intended to resemble the Apollo reddit app. You can use any instance but we have our own hosted at

  • mlmym is an alternate frontend intended to resemble the old reddit theme. As far as I can tell, this is specific to an instance, so will only work for people with a account (but other instances have their own version, such as You can access this frontend at

These are both set to auto-update, so please let me know if an update breaks things because I can roll back to a previous version manually.

  • @spider
    211 months ago

    mlmym is an alternate frontend intended to resemble the old reddit theme. As far as I can tell, this is specific to an instance

    Indeed it is; I’m also registered at another instance and if I put “old” before the URL, it won’t load. Also, thanks!

    • @DaveOPMA
      211 months ago

      What I meant by that is that, as an example, Voyager lets you type in which instance you want to conmect to. So even if your account isn’t on, you can still go to and log in using your account.

      However, for I don’t think this is an option. I think it will only work for people with a account.

      • @spider
        11 months ago

        I’m on desktop / Firefox ESR and don’t use an app, but can access either way – whether signed in or not. will not work at all, whether I’m signed in or not, because the admin is not (yet) using mlmym.

        As a workaround, I have to go to and enter in the box.

        • @DaveOPMA
          111 months ago

          Yes, that’s expected, as mlmym is separate to lemmy. I’m not sure I quite got my point across but it doesn’t matter, I think you understand what does/doesn’t work.