Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    11 months ago

    Does anyone know where I can find historical (“historical” like 1990-95ish) pictures of Auckland? I’m specifically looking for pictures of the playground in Maraetai that I played on as a kid.

    There was reported the ‘tallest playground tower’ in south Auckland, but I’m sure the wooden tower in Maraetai with the fireman’s pole was like, 6 stories or more.

    • @DaveOPMA
      211 months ago

      There was reported the ‘tallest playground tower’ in the south island

      It’s actually in South Auckland, if you’re referring to the one you linked.

      I’ve tried and failed to find any photos of a Maraetai playground that aren’t current. 6 stories sounds huge! Though it really depends on the height of the stories, because I’ve been in some playgrounds that have multiple stories and as a parent there’s often not a lot of head room. The one you linked is a little over 12 metres tall, so a 6 story playground would probably still end up shorter since that’s 2m per floor. This is assuming the floors were structured like an office building, which they probably weren’t 😆

      The photos in the article aren’t great, but it does seem a lot of the top of this one is just for show, you can’t actually climb until you’re 12M off the ground.

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        311 months ago

        Woops, fixed it.

        I remember it being crazy tall but then I was like 7 years old so, who knows.

        Thanks for checking!

        • @DaveOPMA
          311 months ago

          Hey don’t get me wrong, even if it’s only 10 metres tall, that is huge! One of the local playgrounds here has a tower up to a slide (not unlike the one in the article, though less fancy), and that’s probably only 5 meters tall, but it still looks huge. If I was up at the top of the 12m tall one in the article, it would probably give me vertigo!

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            311 months ago

            I know safety standards were lax back then, but 6 stories would be like 20 meters wouldn’t it? Even back then they would think twice for a kids playground at that height.

            • @DaveOPMA
              311 months ago

              Playgrounds don’t need to have head space for adults, and don’t need to have space between floors for wires, pipes, etc. So I’d think a maximum of 2m high for a floor, and probably less.

              • @eagleeyedtiger
                311 months ago

                True. Still 12 or more meters is still pretty high for kids!

                • @DaveOPMA
                  311 months ago

                  Agreed! That’s massive!