There are some posts about it on ckiwi on reddit. I’m told Lemmy was founded and created by people with strong political opinions, Marxism, Leninism and communism. Glad to support it.

What will and will not be removed here? Reddit was useless for meaningful discussion. You say some opinions and you’re gone.

  • @ycnz
    51 year ago

    I dunno. I feel like there was quite a lot of discussion of those events, for quite a long period of time. If you’re wanting to support the anti-vaxers and hate-peddlers, on the other hand, yeah, I don’t think we’re going to be friends.

      • @ycnz
        11 year ago

        Yup. Decent people have no interest in debating whether or not people have the right to exist.

    • @BodyOfW4t3r
      21 year ago

      I would have left if it had kept up for any longer. Attracting all sorts from elsewhere to express overt transphobia. Not the friendly community vibe I was there for.