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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • First they would have to admit that there is a problem with the infrastructure. They blame it on drought and theft; Theft being particularly funny since the city is filled with cameras and they love to show you how effective they are by following a pickpocketer all the way back to their home and then send 50 cops to get them but somehow they cant stop watter theft.

    We are having elections here in a couple weeks and not a single one of the presidential candidates the candidates for government of the city recognizes the leaks. They want to build watter processing plants or increase rain watter collection. In fact Sheinbaum, former governor of the city and most likely our future president, did nothing about it when she was in charge of the city but now, if she wins the elections, now she is gonna fix it. Bunch of conmen… conpeople?

    Things are gonna get real “interesting” here after the elections and they forget about us for another 6 years.

    P.D: Almost forgot, El Peje (current president) had the genious idea of bringing watter here from other states. Too bad he only thought about it 10 months before his term ends and not 5 years ago when he promised the country an “european” like life quality.

    Sorry for the rant.

  • That kinda makes sense, but for the dems to consistently get 70 what needs to change is the political views of the voters, right? For that to happen they need to believe the dem party is actually the best option and for that to happen the dem party must lean way more left. But again; Why would they do that if you are already rewarding them for being “not as bad”.

    I forgot to mention before that you are basing this strategy on another fallacy. “First past the post” means nothing when hillary won the popular vote in 2016 and still lost the presidency.

  • Their voter suppression is meant to stop from voting a very specific and relative small group of people not comparable to what an organized sabotage of the elections would be.
    Gerrymandering is meant to dilute the vote of those who are already voting in favour of one party and its an example of how fallacious your democracy is.

    I already admitted that I might be wrong, but something must be done to change this and believing you can fix a rigged game by playing it, is also naive.

  • What I fail to understand Is how will you split the left party (step 3).
    Do citizens in the US can choose what candidates the parties push forward?
    If not: Why would the left party propose leftier candidates? They know that as long as their guy is not as “bad” as the competition you will vote for them and they are “sponsored” by the same corporations which dont like leftist policies.
    Theres no incentive for them to turn further left; Is it?

  • Fixed it

    What even is the log in this scenario, another insurrection? Not voting isn’t throwing a log, it’s just not pulling the lever.

    As I see it, the lever is the choice being made, in this case dem. or rep., the tracks are the electoral system and the log is the third option they dont want us to give and have taught us it doesnt exist.
    In a true democracy we should be able to say “we dont like options given, do better” but those voices are conveniently ignored.

    What makes you think the accelerationist position of “exposing the fallacy” would actually make anything better?

    The first step in demanding the true is to realize you’ve been lied to. If everyone is voting it must mean that they agree the system works because people dont usually waste time in tasks that they believe are fruitless. I believe people will realize something is wrong with their “democracy” when its minorities choosing for everyone else and start demanding true democracy.
    Also, the fact that they, the rulling class, seems to be afraid of it. As I mentioned before, australia making vote compulsory when the numbers were geting “too low for comfort” is a good example.

    Personally, I don’t think that’s a gamble with very favorable odds.

    Its possible it could backfire, yes. And, as I said in another comment, right now wouldnt be the best time to do it. Vote, but be aware that the system you participate in is just mitigating the symptoms of a desease and not treating it. Pretending otherwise is not a good gamble either.
    Actions must be taken to change it. An organized effort to sabotage the elections by not voting could be one option.

    And you forget the fact that even if most people votes theres a chance trump will still win. Even if biden gets the popular vote, just like it happened in 2016. Who will you blame then?
    The way these types of conversations can get so heated is an indicator that people is still not placing the blame where it should be. People need to be shown the truth, which is hard when our whole lives we’ve been “educated” to believe a lie, and again, I think electoral sabotage is a good attempt at that.

  • Seth Stoughton, a former police officer who is now a law professor at the University of South Carolina, said it can sometimes be hard for officers to tell whether a person’s behavior is a result of mental illness, substances or a medical episode. The latest training recommendations, he said, call for officers to be on the lookout for indicators of medical problems and to err on the side of calling in help if there is a potential health issue.

    “Officers are not doctors, not paramedics,” he said. “They really don’t have, and are not expected to have, the expertise to diagnose what is causing medical distress. But they are supposed to be able to identify indicators.”