Onno (VK6FLAB)

Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.

#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork

  • 90 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2024年3月4日


  • I have absolutely no desire to have autocorrect on steroids actively participating in either my private or professional life.

    The whole concept of the LLM is flawed. There is fundamentally no distinction between data and instruction, so a malicious document or email can be processed as legitimate input without the user ever being aware of it.

    The level of ignorance in the general public around issues like this is absolutely gobsmacking and the behaviour of the breathless reporting by ignorant “journalists” is in my opinion borderline criminal.

    I didn’t ask for Gemini, I didn’t want Gemini, I couldn’t disable it without jumping through hoops and there is no way for me to roll back any access it’s had over the past 25 days. Access I did not consent to, neither as an end user, nor as the administrator of my account.

  • I have a Google Workspace account. As administrator you can disable Gemini for both the App and the Workspace.

    To disable it for the Workspace requires that you disable it for each service in your Workspace.

    If you have a starter or classroom edition, this functionality is not available, but Google support can make it visible.

    As Administrator, click on Help, fight your way through the bot. I asked to “disable Gemini” and kept clicking “this does not help” when it came back.

    Eventually you can start a chat with support.

    It helps if you have a screenshot of the Gemini Workspace screen that shows there are no controls. Upload the screenshot into the chat.

    The agent enabled the controls within a few minutes, so I could disable Gemini for each service. It’s now finally gone from Gmail on the web and my phone.

    Be prepared to be told that Gemini can help you with your job … which I declined to engage with.

    Source: I did this an hour ago after trying many times over the past three weeks.

    I’ve just created a web page describing how to disable this:

    Edit: Added link