Trump was incredibly corrupt and certainly deserves to be punished, but this doesn’t in anyway excuse what happened with Hunter Biden peddling influence for millions of dollars to foreign companies. When you dig into the details it’s really quite shocking. I also fully acknowledge that this probably happens with other powerful families - which I would argue should also be rooted out and potentially punished.
I wish we would stop being so tribal - always rationalizing and defending bad behavior when it’s “our side”. We should call this out whenever it happens, regardless of party and political affiliation. Politics has become like sports, and we’ve become like rabid sports fans. It’s really dysfunctional.
Personally I think neither party deserves any sort of allegiance whatsoever. They’re both working for their own self-interest and to stay in power, and they’re largely controlled by elites. I’ll vote for whatever candidate talks about the corruption money plays in our political system, which in my opinion this is the largest threat to our democracy.
That really wasn’t my intention, but I can see why you might think that. For the record I’ve largely voted Democratic (probably 80%+ over the past 4 election cycles - I do split my ticket typically) - so I’m definitely not trying to strawman here for the right.
I think there’s more and more evidence that Biden knew more than he originally admitted to, and that’s what I’m referring to. At the end of the day I really just think money corrupts politics and we should call that out whenever we see it.