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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I just finished Scorn, it was very interesting.

    I feel like the combat wasn’t necessary since the puzzles and exploration felt like the main focus of the game, but at the same time, I don’t know how they could have made the environment feel dangerous without the threat of death. There was a puzzle later in the game that did require you to injure yourself, but I don’t think that would have worked as a replacement for combat in the rest of the game, and being present throughout the game would lessen the impact of it in the short moment where it is actually necessary. Also, the guns were very neat looking, so that is an additional upside to having combat.

    Even though this sounds like a lot of complaining, I don’t think I could come up with any other criticisms, as pretty much everything else about the game felt perfect. I don’t think it is the sort of thing I will play again, but it will be something I will think back on more than most other games.

  • Python

    Part 1: https://github.com/porotoman99/Advent-of-Code-2023/blob/main/Day 7/part1.py

    import os
    filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    inputFilePath = filePath + "\\adventofcode.com_2023_day_7_input.txt"
    # inputFilePath = filePath + "\\part1.txt"
    def typeSort(hand):
    	cardCount = {
    		"2": 0,
    		"3": 0,
    		"4": 0,
    		"5": 0,
    		"6": 0,
    		"7": 0,
    		"8": 0,
    		"9": 0,
    		"T": 0,
    		"J": 0,
    		"Q": 0,
    		"K": 0,
    		"A": 0
    	for card in hand:
    		cardCount[card] += 1
    	cardTotals = list(cardCount.values())
    	if(cardTotals[0] == 5):
    		return 6
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 4):
    		return 5
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 3 and cardTotals[1] == 2):
    		return 4
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 3):
    		return 3
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 2 and cardTotals[1] == 2):
    		return 2
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 2):
    		return 1
    		return 0
    def bucketSort(camelCard):
    	totalScore = 0
    	cardOrder = ["2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A"]
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[4]) * 15 ** 1
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[3]) * 15 ** 2
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[2]) * 15 ** 3
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[1]) * 15 ** 4
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[0]) * 15 ** 5
    	return totalScore
    hands = []
    bids = []
    with open(inputFilePath) as inputFile:
    	for line in inputFile:
    		lineSplit = line.split()
    		hand = lineSplit[0]
    		bid = lineSplit[1]
    bids = [int(bid) for bid in bids]
    camelCards = list(zip(hands,bids))
    typeBuckets = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
    for camelCard in camelCards:
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	typeScore = typeSort(hand)
    finalCardSort = []
    for bucket in typeBuckets:
    	if(len(bucket) > 1):
    	for camelCard in bucket:
    camelScores = []
    for camelIndex in range(len(finalCardSort)):
    	scoreMultiplier = camelIndex + 1
    	camelCard = finalCardSort[camelIndex]
    	camelScores.append(camelCard[1] * scoreMultiplier)

    Part 2: https://github.com/porotoman99/Advent-of-Code-2023/blob/main/Day 7/part2.py

    import os
    filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    inputFilePath = filePath + "\\adventofcode.com_2023_day_7_input.txt"
    # inputFilePath = filePath + "\\part1.txt"
    def typeSort(hand):
    	cardCount = {
    		"J": 0,
    		"2": 0,
    		"3": 0,
    		"4": 0,
    		"5": 0,
    		"6": 0,
    		"7": 0,
    		"8": 0,
    		"9": 0,
    		"T": 0,
    		"Q": 0,
    		"K": 0,
    		"A": 0
    	for card in hand:
    		cardCount[card] += 1
    	jokerCount = cardCount["J"]
    	cardCount["J"] = 0
    	cardTotals = list(cardCount.values())
    	if(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 5):
    		return 6
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 4):
    		return 5
    		cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 3 and cardTotals[1] == 2
    		or cardTotals[0] == 3 and cardTotals[1] + jokerCount == 2
    		return 4
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 3):
    		return 3
    		cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 2 and cardTotals[1] == 2
    		or cardTotals[0] == 2 and cardTotals[1] + jokerCount == 2
    		return 2
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 2):
    		return 1
    		return 0
    def bucketSort(camelCard):
    	totalScore = 0
    	cardOrder = ["J","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","Q","K","A"]
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[4]) * 15 ** 1
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[3]) * 15 ** 2
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[2]) * 15 ** 3
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[1]) * 15 ** 4
    	totalScore += cardOrder.index(hand[0]) * 15 ** 5
    	return totalScore
    hands = []
    bids = []
    with open(inputFilePath) as inputFile:
    	for line in inputFile:
    		lineSplit = line.split()
    		hand = lineSplit[0]
    		bid = lineSplit[1]
    bids = [int(bid) for bid in bids]
    camelCards = list(zip(hands,bids))
    typeBuckets = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
    for camelCard in camelCards:
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	typeScore = typeSort(hand)
    finalCardSort = []
    for bucket in typeBuckets:
    	if(len(bucket) > 1):
    	for camelCard in bucket:
    camelScores = []
    for camelIndex in range(len(finalCardSort)):
    	scoreMultiplier = camelIndex + 1
    	camelCard = finalCardSort[camelIndex]
    	camelScores.append(camelCard[1] * scoreMultiplier)

    I tried to do this one as quickly as possible, so the code is more messy than I would prefer, but it works, and I don’t think the solution is too bad overall.

    Edit: I went back and changed it to be a bit better. Here are my new solutions:

    Part 1 v2: https://github.com/porotoman99/Advent-of-Code-2023/blob/main/Day 7/part1v2.py

    import os
    filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    inputFilePath = filePath + "\\adventofcode.com_2023_day_7_input.txt"
    # inputFilePath = filePath + "\\part1.txt"
    CARD_ORDER = "23456789TJQKA"
    def typeSort(camelCard):
    	cardCount = {}
    	for card in CARD_ORDER:
    		cardCount[card] = 0
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	for card in hand:
    		cardCount[card] += 1
    	cardTotals = list(cardCount.values())
    	if(cardTotals[0] == 5):
    		return 6
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 4):
    		return 5
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 3 and cardTotals[1] == 2):
    		return 4
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 3):
    		return 3
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 2 and cardTotals[1] == 2):
    		return 2
    	elif(cardTotals[0] == 2):
    		return 1
    		return 0
    def handSort(camelCard):
    	totalScore = 0
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[4]) * 15 ** 1
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[3]) * 15 ** 2
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[2]) * 15 ** 3
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[1]) * 15 ** 4
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[0]) * 15 ** 5
    	return totalScore
    hands = []
    bids = []
    with open(inputFilePath) as inputFile:
    	for line in inputFile:
    		lineSplit = line.split()
    		hand = lineSplit[0]
    		bid = lineSplit[1]
    camelCards = list(zip(hands,bids))
    camelCards = sorted(camelCards, key=lambda x: (typeSort(x), handSort(x)))
    camelScores = []
    for camelIndex in range(len(camelCards)):
    	scoreMultiplier = camelIndex + 1
    	camelCard = camelCards[camelIndex]
    	camelScores.append(camelCard[1] * scoreMultiplier)

    Part 2 v2: https://github.com/porotoman99/Advent-of-Code-2023/blob/main/Day 7/part2v2.py

    import os
    filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    inputFilePath = filePath + "\\adventofcode.com_2023_day_7_input.txt"
    # inputFilePath = filePath + "\\part1.txt"
    CARD_ORDER = "J23456789TQKA"
    def typeSort(camelCard):
    	cardCount = {}
    	for card in CARD_ORDER:
    		cardCount[card] = 0
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	for card in hand:
    		cardCount[card] += 1
    	jokerCount = cardCount["J"]
    	cardCount["J"] = 0
    	cardTotals = list(cardCount.values())
    	if(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 5):
    		return 6
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 4):
    		return 5
    		cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 3 and cardTotals[1] == 2
    		or cardTotals[0] == 3 and cardTotals[1] + jokerCount == 2
    		return 4
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 3):
    		return 3
    		cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 2 and cardTotals[1] == 2
    		or cardTotals[0] == 2 and cardTotals[1] + jokerCount == 2
    		return 2
    	elif(cardTotals[0] + jokerCount == 2):
    		return 1
    		return 0
    def handSort(camelCard):
    	totalScore = 0
    	hand = camelCard[0]
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[4]) * 15 ** 1
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[3]) * 15 ** 2
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[2]) * 15 ** 3
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[1]) * 15 ** 4
    	totalScore += CARD_ORDER.index(hand[0]) * 15 ** 5
    	return totalScore
    hands = []
    bids = []
    with open(inputFilePath) as inputFile:
    	for line in inputFile:
    		lineSplit = line.split()
    		hand = lineSplit[0]
    		bid = lineSplit[1]
    camelCards = list(zip(hands,bids))
    camelCards = sorted(camelCards, key=lambda x: (typeSort(x), handSort(x)))
    camelScores = []
    for camelIndex in range(len(camelCards)):
    	scoreMultiplier = camelIndex + 1
    	camelCard = camelCards[camelIndex]
    	camelScores.append(camelCard[1] * scoreMultiplier)

  • As far as I’m aware, the inclusion of real-world animal species in the older anime and games was due to the lack of variety in existing Pokemon species. The last time I know they referred to a real animal was in 2016, where the Pokedex entry for Raichu says it can knock out an Indian elephant. More recently, Raichu’s Pokedex entry was updated to instead say it can incapacitate a Copperajah.

  • I don’t have a specific checklist, but I can tell you what I like to do to try and stay on task.

    What I usually like to do is make a world in editor mode and design small parts of that factory that I know I will need, like I know I will need enough smelters to fill a belt of iron, or I know I will need to produce each type of science. I copy those designs to blueprints, and place them back in the main world where I need them to be. At this point, it’s just a matter of placing buildings down where the ghosts say they should go, routing materials between factory sections, and scaling the factory up to deal with resource shortages.

    I find that designing the factories in editor mode makes the process go much smoother, since there is not much getting in the way. No placement/breaking range limit, no resource limit, instantly able to copy and paste buildings, and the ability to use infinity chests to test throughput all make the designing process much easier for me.