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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • To be fair to Amazon, the problem for this might not actually be Amazon!

    Everything I order is always overpackaged, be it plastic or cardboard/paper but while you have consumers who whine over the slightest scratch in the hope of getting it reduced, or even returned. I saw a review on some recycling buckets that they had ‘minor marks’ probably from manufacturing, and they were complaining about them when you’re just going to mark them through use. I bet there’s people who complain gardening/power tools have marks/scratches when as soon as you use it you’re going to scratch it.

    So i’m guessing everything is overpackaged because no-one wants the hassle of people whining and returning things which likely costs more than wasting plastic so until consumers become less shitty and accept it and just be grateful it works, nothing will really change.

    People just want the shiney, ‘feel good’ feeling as they pile more stuff they probably don’t really need on the credit card so maybe Amazon should add a “I’m not an a-hole shopper” so the rest of us who’d rather it be scratched than have to throw away all the wasted plastic/cardboard so long as it works as intended! 🤔😎

  • The thing I’ve never understood is even just looking at Google, they’ve killed so many products when they could have monetised them better with a little thought.

    Instead, we have a phone thats useless for music unless you subscribe, photo storage is headed the same way and its whole ‘smart’ eco system has been ruined because of shareholder greed!

    Except if Google pulled there head out there arse and built a platform people wanted to use, they’d likely make more money than they’re making now. Yet they clearly don’t get it and think ‘cloud’ solves everything!

    Sadly Apple knows it has no competition so they’re just screwing with anything that they can and claim it’s ‘revolutionary’ so they can re-sell the same devices and while home assistant works ok for those of us who like tinkering, it’s a long way from being user friendly. Never mind the lack of anything smart, like speakers, displays, that work out the box.

    It’s just sad to see so much potential being ruined because of seemingly clueless companies!

  • Except its not free. This is the lie no-one seems to understand.

    Every product you buy has a % set aside for marketing. No company is sitting there thinking “oh look, free money just fell from the sky. Lets advertise so more people can have free stuff” or “oh, profits are up, lets put all those profits into advertising so people get even more free stuff”

    But people don’t see seem to understand that no-one in advertising has an unlimited hole of cash they dip into to pay to advertise on sites so they can browse the site for free, you pay for reddit, etc every time you buy products!

  • Tbh it’s not that hard to stop scams. Treat EVERY call you get as a scammer!

    Either phone back on a known number, not some shit they give you or if they claim you need bail, ask for a reference number and the place being held and phone them after looking up the number, and If they get pissed, it’s a scam!

    No real police force is going to care/shouldn’t care if you call back. It’s not like cops get a percentage of bail money but scammers always seem too desperate to get you to pay and lose it pretty quick.

  • and this is why I’ll likely never buy another game from any company that uses microtransctions, in-app purchases, pay-to-win, rich idiots yacht fund, or whatever bs they call it these days… especially when these days they aren’t even ‘micro’!

    I really don’t get it though. in-game purchases make every game just awful and yet people are spending 1000’s on them and it’s like how does anyone how that kinda money to waste when if I had that kinda money I sure as hell wouldn’t be wasting it on shitty pay-to-win game!

    So hopefully if it turns out to be as shitty as people are starting to expect, how many people are still going to buy it…