• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Thank you. Why am I doing it: I re-discovered Blender a couple of months ago and followed the famous Donut-Tutorial. After that I made some minor things, then I modelled and animated my Laptop, and now I’m challenging myself with a bigger project with more complex shapes. And boredom.

    I’m working in the Architecturial field, so I know how to work in 3D in general. In architecture, however, I need to consider all kinds of measurements correctly - that is someting I dont’t need to do in Blender for an extent. I just enjoy the build.

    I tried Blender before (I think it was Version 2.x) but in the end it didn’t work out for me. Meanwhile the software got better.

    Back when I still studied (couple of years ago) I did some renderings using Cinema 4D, since we had it on some universities computers. But I didn’t model anything in C4D. I had a CAD Software, which wasn’t that capable of 3D back then, but one could draw precicely. For the 3D stuff I used Sketchup. I could interchange the files (mostly dxf files) between the programs. For renderings I imported a 3DS-file into C4D and put textures on it. Our software at work is capeable of creating rendered images.

    My goal is to import the car model into our architecture software at work and sneak it into a rendering.

  • I’m currently modelling my car using Blender. The screenshots show the progress of approximately 2 weeks (entire weekends and a few hours after coming home from work). Some parts are created rather fast, and some parts take hours to get the shape correctly. Worst part in that matter ist the front bumper with its fog light. It took almost the whole weekend. The hood was made within an hour, since it has a simpler shape, compared to others.

    For reference I use photos, where I do the details by eye measure. To get the general shape I traced the views (front, back, side, above) from drawings of the cars manual using Affinity Designer beforehand. This alone took me over one week, beause I only could do it after work.

  • What stood out the most to me was when everybody left Reddit and came to Lemmy that everyone helped each other to get settled into Lemmy and the Fediverse - at least where I settled. Knowledge was passed down. More tech savy users answered the questions of new users patiently. Everybody was (and still is) polite in general and it is a pleasure to participate in such an enviroment.

    I experienced (and I still do) much more “adult” behaviour within Lemmy, compared to Reddit. I barely have to downvote comments due to bad/ malicious behavior. I think I have had to downvote 3 times within the last 8 months - and one downvote was dedicated to a bot which summarized some news content wrong. Here you can have nice discussions and most comments actually contribute. Less “This”-comments.

    I like that Lemmy in general is more left leaning, and also more tech savy. Also, I experienced less gatekeeping than on Reddit - at least, within my home instance. Your experience, however, may differ.

  • Wenn man das erste Modell mit einem späteren Modell vergleicht, fällt auf, dass beim ersten Modell die Rundumsicht deutlich besser war. Im Vergleich scheint es (übertrieben) fast so, als wäre es ein Gewächshaus auf Rädern - bezogen auf das Verhältnis zwischen Karosserie und Scheiben.

    Es ist schade, dass der Trend, die hinteren Seitenscheiben nach hinten ansteigen zu lassen, so dass dies in einer breiten C-Säule resultiert, sich bei mittlerweile allen Automodellen durchgesetzt hat. Die Sicht nach schräg hinten, z.B. beim Abbiegen, ist bei neueren Modellen mit dieser Scheibenform deutlich erschwert.

    Vom Design her sagt mir das linke Fahrzeug jedenfalls eher zu.

  • I once had a brand new disc (from a multi disk movie box) which has never been played. When I inserted the disc into a laptop disk drive (those where you have to press the disk onto the holder in the center) the disk completely shattered. It turned out that the material of the disk has aged to a point where it became brittle, despite of never been exposed to UV light or anything else. It probably could have been stored at wrong ambient temperatures in the warehouse. The said disc and the movie box was made in 2004.

  • We are approaching the time where the lifespan of CDs (DVDs, BlueRay etc.) from the late 90s and early 2000s reach their limit.

    In general, factory-pressed CDs and DVDs are expected to last many years if you store them under ideal conditions, but the exact lifespan can vary. Some studies have suggested that factory-pressed CDs and DVDs may last for up to 20 years or more under ideal conditions, while others have found that they may begin to degrade after just a few years.

  • We are completely screwed. Since plastic is around for decades, the exposition of disintergating plastic into micro- and nano plastic particles is also.

    Almost everything you have, use, eat, drink etc. contains plastic, which is disintergrating due to mechanical abrasion or chemical reaction.

    Examples: food - packed in plastic containers; beverages - filled into plastic containers, tin cans have an inner layer of plastic; paint - made of plastic; wood glue - made of plastic, the mattress you sleep on - made of foam, which is plastic; your clothes - contain plastic; your non stick frying pan - coated in plastic.

    We cannot escape it. It’s around forever.

  • “At the same time, I think we really need to understand the fact that we are living in a different era and animals are making use of what is available to them.”

    They just adapt. If the supply of snail shells is declining - probably because of the pollution of their enviroment - those shells become scarce. When there are plastic garbage shells availiable, the hermit crabs will utilize them instead, since it probably is easier to obtain them. They serve the same purpose to them.

    Since the lifespan of a wild hermit crab can reach up to 30 years, it probably will effect their health. When plastic disintegrates and becomes micro- or nanoplastic, those particles will cumulate in their bodies. These plastic particles are suspected of being silmilar to hormones, which can have effects on the ability to reproduce, among others.

    It should be rather concerning than cute.

  • Er setzt sich halt für die Bauern ein:

    Er findet, und seine Kollegen aus anderen Parteien auch, dass Bürgergeldempfänger zu viel bekommen. Deswegen soll der Bezug von Bürgergeld so scheiße wie nur irgendwie möglich augestaltet werden. Es soll vor allem mehr Kürzungen geben, z.B. wenn man Arbeitsangebote immer wieder ablehnt.

    Bald werden wieder Ernehelfer benötigt, und weil die Helfer, die sonst bei der Ernte helfen, abgeschoben remigriert sein könnten, wenn es nach den Plänen einiger gewisser Parteien geht, dann müssten halt die Bürgergeldempfänger ran, nachdem denen die Bezüge gekürzt worden sind. Natürlich können die Landwirte auch nicht so viel zahlen, oder soll der Spargel etwa noch teurer werden?

    Es ist einfach widerlich, wie die Armen gegen die noch Ärmeren ausgespielt werden. Und auch, mit welch plumpen Populismus die Zustimmung hierfür eingeholt wird.

    Edit: Rechtschreibung