So watermark the raw as unedited or something so you can verify it wasn’t your finished product. Don’t lock me out of being unable to see the actual moment of me and my family.
So watermark the raw as unedited or something so you can verify it wasn’t your finished product. Don’t lock me out of being unable to see the actual moment of me and my family.
Ah well you actually give the option to purchase the RAW which I’m fine with. At least ALLOW me to have an option to have the RAW myself.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself and I can see circumstances where a professional’s reputation and work quality are directly correlated with their future business and financial stability.
But I’d gladly pay a fee and I straight up had a photographer deny me family photo RAWs because they “never” allowed anyone access to those.
Ah this is perfect you can enlighten me then.
How are you a photographer trained in the art of capturing a moment with appropriate focus, lighting, timing, and framing providing a service to me?
By not providing me that moment in its purest form.
If I’m hiring you to photograph me not to be my digital artist. Or at least offer both.
By not providing the RAWs you’re literally providing a restriction in my access to the moment I hired you to capture.
If I designed a web site for you and then when you tried to move your hosting to someone else and said “Oh sorry that web site is only provided as part of my services.” And forced you to create a whole new design to host somewhere else. It’s quite plain to see that’s manipulative business practices.
In my view it comes from an insecurity of photographers that they can’t compete with photoshoppers but the reality is I’m paying you to use your skills to capture the moment correctly. Frankly idgaf how good your Photoshop skills are. Especially now with A.I. “authentic” photos will become all the more valuable to people.
I have met a few photographers who absolutely will not agree to that and it infuriates me. Must be some new trend of pro photographer influencer bull to hold your raws hostage.
Switch that spaghetti out for a pint of ice cream and you’re not living the good life
Someone please explain this to me. My smooth brain can’t comprehend.
It’s in the iso 😢 how hard is it to switch out void on the livecd?
You’re saying kids born because abortion wasn’t available are pieces of garbage. What the fuck. think about what you said.
Since I was down voted into oblivion. I’ll reconsider your statement.
Deep down Republicans believe that the only reason they’re here is that they weren’t aborted.
So I guess that’s similar to conservatives thinking that the only way people can act morally is because they read it in a thousand year old book.
I guess the logic checks out but all I could think about with a gut check was that kids who’s parents wanted to abort them but couldn’t probably ended up in a hostile environment.
Dope. I just memorized it to 50 digits. Good to know for my intents and purposes it doesn’t matter at all anyway.
Ah man this is the first meme I saw and I just got done giving up trying to install Arch because I’m getting some systemd hang from the USB installer.
So to any young kids who get into this “I am intelligent therefore depressed.”
I’ve been there and what I’ve found is that if you are like how I was. I falsely correlated analysis of the universe and the discovery of it’s harshness with how I was feeling and probably erroneously ignored my bias (because I was depressed) to focus on negative realizations.
It was my caustic family environment, my lack of individual freedom, poor sleep, poor diet that was making me miserable.
If you’re feeling this way you need to look into Mindfulness and why existence even in its brutally bleak appearance can be an enjoyable quiet morning listening to crickets as you wake up, or being aware of noisy air vent that sounds interesting, or even the curiosities of your own wandering mind.
Our experience of existence is relative to our framing. Emotional intelligence is learning to side step the current and enjoy observing the river.
Can afford to leave. Stay for family I can’t unbrainwash. 😢
If you subscribe to those subs then your home page will be just those subs. If I go to all I get memes and politics. But I have noticed posts in “groups” and think it’s mostly bots on subs hitting specific target times for engagement.
Because Lemmy isn’t serving you content based on some convoluted marketing algorithm?
Look don’t be dogmatic with anything. Read it. Understand everyone has opinions. There are tradeoffs for every engineering decision. EVERY decision.
Learn to weigh them yourself and learn the intricacies of where it doesn’t make sense and where it does
Lol this is great
My first fucking thought. I’m still waiting on helpdesk to respond to an issue I’ve already chased down to a registry key because I’m not allowed workstation admin privileges. 🙄. Which I’m fine with but more than a week to respond to a ticket? Come the fuck on
I love mine. Had audio streaming break for me but switched my desktop to Linux. Back to perfect function.
Hmm 🤔 that’s fair but I think more often than not it’s not what the photographer remembered of that moment but down to common practices with color curves and histograms in Lightroom or something.
I like your idea but I think it’s more of a post-render is more like what you remember.
However you can’t use your own editing skills to get the picture to how YOU remember it or want it when it’s already in someone else’s version.
Which fine. Like you never got to SEE yourself and that’s why you hired the photographer.
My issue is that I would be happier hiring someone if I didn’t have to use their awful makeup filter mode photos that don’t even look like we’re real people.