I didn’t learn much from GmanLives review tbh. It’s obvious he hates this kind of experience and had to push through because he has to put out a review in time for embargo lifting.
This should worry Europe even more because Russian troops have a real life experience in this kind of warfare.
PPP is a useful measure to compare wealth although it’s usually based on goods like bread and not tanks. There’s a grain of truth here as the difference in wages alone makes for a huge factor in the overall cost. Having access to many raw materials is a big boon for Russia too.
Scavenger’s Reign is the bomb, will check the other one, thanks!
Infrastructure monopolies are the nastiest. This one is so insidious too.
I’m pretty sure part of this is to spice up Apple One. In my region family plan of Apple One costs slightly more than two Apple Music subscriptions. That means that even in a two person household you’re breaking even immediately if you need/want iCloud, TV+ or Arcade.
I’ve been caught, abort mission!
This is a step before we get „blacks for Hitler” with Kanye joining AfD.
Rossmann is for consumer protection laws because he benefits from them directly. This man also moved his repair shop multiple states away just to pay less taxes.
Is it your first time seeing a pussy?
It’s not really the decrease that’s the news here because that decrease is within a margin of error due to other factors. What’s the real news is that the graph has been flat for two consecutive years which is mind boggling!*
Recent example - Poland renamed Kaliningrad (a territory it owned briefly ages ago) to Królewiec for shits and giggles similar to what Trump did with Gulf of America thing. It shows up as Królewiec in Poland and nowhere else because why would it affect anyone else?
Older example - since Russia annexed Crimea Google Maps in those countries has reflected official borders but for the rest of the world it’s just a dotted line.
You’d probably find a lot of disputed names and borders between India/Pakistan/China where similar stuff happens.
What I’m trying to say that while Google didn’t necessarily follow their own guidelines, their actual priority was to be pragmatic, unobtrusive or invisible. This change is unexpected because it’s very much „in your face” for everyone everywhere.
MS prevented you from using other browsers by using vendor lock-in. It was a prime example example of now misunderstood concept of embrace, extend, extinguish. You could download Mozilla Phoenix but you couldn’t use it for everything because CSS rendering in IE was so detached from standards. On top of that you had ActiveX which meant you HAD to use Windows for some websites.
It’s demonstrably not true because Maps would be a mess if they followed this policy. Unless „vary between countries” means „vary between countries as long as one of them countries is US”.
So weird that they’re changing it for other countries like that since they follow local conventions in general. I hoped not to have to switch email providers but that’s the last Google bandaid to rip off. I wonder how long will it take for Apple to bow down.
I’m betting €3.50 that it’s an ARM SOC with semi-custom NPU. These guys can barely do software and they want to do hardware?
It’s the kind of teasing like in The Last Remake of Beau Geste film where the main character kept receiving letters about his father’s imminent death through the entirety of the film. That’s why press shouldn’t engage in rumours :D
Adding gambling to video games without verifying user age is targeting children with gambling. There’s a lot of convenient combinations of circumstances that Valve is fully aware of and profiting from. I don’t care about plausible deniability because Valve employees were visibly smug and amused when questioned about it. There is no absolving Valve after this.
You blame others for Valve monopoly. Yeah, I said they missed the ship. We have a private monopoly in PC gaming storefronts now and that’s not good. It doesn’t matter if they won fair - they are a parasitic middle-man that makes everyone lose.
Ask yourself and be honest about it: if Valve had a true competitor would their cut be as high as it is now? This is the only thing you should be concerned about, not that they engage in Linux philanthropy or that they make cool games.
In other news, Putin is a pissmidget.