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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • What? You know hexbear isn’t lemmy.ml… right?? Your instance has 22 users subscribed to lemmy.ml/c/unixporn. You’ll notice I didn’t say you’re not part of whatever .ml community you’re talking about (although hilarious if you’re actually Mali gov.) I’m saying your instance is not an active participant in this unixporn community outside of this post. Also probably pretty safe to bet you’re not actually part of whatever ml community you’re imagining.

    Another not so clever shift by you fools to unsuccessfully change what I’ve said.

    We were here before you and we will be here after you’re purged with the rest of the libs.

    Are you the reason your comrades keep questioning knowledge on federation? Your instance didn’t federate until earlier this month. It’s literally impossible for your collective “we” to have been here before anyone with an account older than that, of which there are plenty.

    To spell it out for you. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Your instance as a whole does not engage with lemmy.ml/c/unixporn outside of this post. Be more mad though, it’s fun dismantling you all one by one. Maybe just stick to your safe space echo chamber 👍

  • You’re delusional. My only exposure to hexbear prior to this post was communities on large instances wanting to defederate you. This whole post makes it abundantly clear why that’s the case. You’re all very clearly a group of losers that banded together for some type of us vs the world bullshit, you even tried to pass off hexbears vs the world as my idea when it’s actually yours. It’s pathetic.

    You can’t engage with us on the and now you’re resorting to meaningless personal jabs

    On the what now? Do you just rage type and submit without making sure your words form coherent thoughts? Try again junior. It’s not a personal jab to point out you outed yourself as a racist by your own definition. Almost every comment you lot have made to me has been dodging my original point that there are a lot of you piling on and then attacking me. I guess hypocrisy is lost in your small world eh?

    As an aside, do hexbears have an infantilzation fetish? The amount of your users randomly bringing in baby shit is really odd. Oh, what’s that? You all lean on tactic that was pivotal to maintaining slavery? But go ahead and tell me again how you’re not racist anymore. In case a hexbear mod removes the link, I linked to the wikipedia page on infantilization.

    To get this straightened up, you’ve outed yourself as a racist both by using a term you now claim is racist that you had no idea how it would be used outside of a racist context and your whole lot use the same tactics with people you disagree with that were used to prolong slavery. Got it.

  • Lmao, it’s cute one of your comrades remove the image on your instance.

    I didn’t say people can’t change. But 8 days ago you used the term “outside of its history in the car industry/communities” and now you claim you have no idea what it’s supposed to be? Give me a break lol. Are you outing yourself as a racist from 8 days ago? Wow quick reform.

    This post doesn’t change anything. It’s just a bunch of hexbear snowflakes whining that a community has enough brain cells to know context matters.

    How exactly is your use of a term you deemed racist not relevant in a post where you and your comrades are going around calling people racist for using a term they don’t deem racist? Are you actually serious right now? You can’t see the relevance? Take your blinders off.

    At any rate, I didn’t dig up the comment on purpose. I was seeing how much hexbear engages with lemmy.ml/c/unixporn and wouldn’t you know it out of the 210 comments your instance had only 5 of them were not in this post. Not surprising since you only had 22 users subscribed here. Your comment was one of the 5 and I went to see if there was any consistency, expecting to see hexbear users call it out as racist if it came up as you all clearly think it is now. To my lack of surprise I saw the opposite, 80% not having anything to do with the term and your humdinger exposing yourself.

    You’ve underminded your entire argument and exposed your bad faith tactics in one fell swoop. You should probably stay in your safe space instead of trying to find things you think are you dunking on people.

  • Instance has comparatively high and active userbase with a very high percentage of Linux users

    That may be true, but your instance doesn’t have a very high percentage of engagement in this community outside of this post. Copying from an older comment of mine:

    These are the top 3 instances commenting in this specific post at the time of writing (2023-08-25 08:02 UTC):

    instance   | count
    hexbear.net |   205
    lemmy.ml    |   106
    lemm.ee     |    61

    These are the top 3 instances and their comment counts on any post in lemmy.ml/c/unixporn this month at the time of writing:

    domain    | count
    lemmy.ml    |   210
    hexbear.net |   210
    lemm.ee     |   100

    You’re reading that right, hexbear has a whopping FIVE comments in this community that are not part of this post.

    One of those 5 is a user participating in the hexbear brigade in this thread that commented previously said rices were inspiring. But go ahead and tell me all those users are pillars of the linux community. Which bad faith argument will you use next?

    Inb4 bRIgaDIng HAs To be ORGaniZed And we’re NoT; even though an acceptable use of the term is also when a particular group floods another community’s space that they don’t normally participate in. I know you lot have trouble grasping a term can have multiple definitions, so don’t hurt yourself champ.

  • Right, I forgot you fools lack reading comprehension skills and the ability to recognize nuance.

    I didn’t say there was brigading going on, your comrade brought that up. I simply said just because some users were arriving organically doesn’t mean brigading is out of the question. The original point, which continues to be evident, is that there are a ton of hexbear users piling on to anyone that doesn’t fall in line with OP. You all seem to conveniently ignore that and straw man into bringing up brigading and hurling insults. You prove my point every time a new one engages. Every. Time.

    The only remotely racist users I’ve seen here are, unsurprisingly, hexbear users. You’re the main ones attempting to nurture a term in a different context to try to get a completely different community to use your preferred racist definition. If you truly were anti-racist I would have expected celebration of the death of a racist term in the car community by way of the unixporn community using it with pride to show off their DEs.

    Instead you cling for dear life onto your racist definition like conservatives do to the fucking electoral college and FPTP. It’s really telling.

    Edit: I went ahead and queried the lemmy database from a federated instance I have access to.

    These are the top 3 instances commenting in this specific post at the time of writing (2023-08-25 08:02 UTC):

    instance   | count
    hexbear.net |   205
    lemmy.ml    |   106
    lemm.ee     |    61

    These are the top 3 instances and their comment counts on any post in lemmy.ml/c/unixporn this month at the time of writing:

    domain    | count
    lemmy.ml    |   210
    hexbear.net |   210
    lemm.ee     |   100

    You’re reading that right, hexbear has a whopping FIVE comments in this community that are not part of this post.

    For the curious, those 5 comments at the time of writing are:

    One of which is especially hilarious as we see a hexbear user that’s been railing on people in this post using the very term they’re condemning here. Strong convictions? Perhaps bandwagoning the hexbear teet? Who knows. Definitely not suspicious 🙄

  • The shift change comment was to a hexbear user, as the screenshot shows. For what it’s worth I had to go to the hexbear instance to see the full thread, your reply was coming up with no way for me to view context so I wasn’t sure if I actually fucked up or what happened. We can blame Lemmy growing pains I suppose.

    I’m also just a Linux guy getting by. But I reject the notion that a term considered racist in one context continues to be so outside of that context, terms that only exist in a racist context (n word) not withstanding. All of the times I’ve seen rice used to describe a person’s DE changes has always been a point of pride and not pejorative. This one’s ripe to defang and the people interested in perpetuating it as racist are largely hexbear users and some stragglers that align with them on this point.

    That said I don’t care if the term changes or not, but the apparent brigading and piling on centered around hexbear users masquerading as “omg we’re just so popular” is laughable.

  • Ooh shift change. Why do you lot latch onto a rehtorical question so hard? Is your victim complex really that strong? I simply pointed out that a lot of hexbear users are piling onto those that disagree with the OP and you’re proving my my point. You detach from the discussion and start going after the person almost every time.

    Btw you should really share notes, one of your comrades already tried to say I didn’t understand how federation works and you’re both wrong. Keep trying though 🥱