keepcarrot [she/her]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2021


  • Some places do have an estate tax (inheritance tax?), but there are often many ways around it and as such class still exists in the UK (say) with its 40% estate tax.

    I’ve also heard that the tax can result in an enormous bill to a family that suddenly has a single expensive illiquid asset. Far be it from me to shed a tear for people inheriting over a million dollars or whatever, but it does mean you give up your modest family home in an area whose land value has gone up.

    There’s an argument going on elsewhere in the thread whether you’d prefer the government be your landlord, which: a) Yes, in my country. Flat yes. The rate of public housing to demand is quite poor though, but it does exist. And I’ve lived in worse, more expensive, private rentals. b) Cuba has a “rent to buy” system which funds new housing while also meaning that you still build equity on a home over your lifetime. So the government is your landlord but not permanently. And Cuba has less homelessness than much much richer countries. (and c) I’m fine with living in a grey commie-box, but whatever)

    At least here in Australia, I’d at least want to see landlords politically disempowered. It’s actually quite hard to find any politician that doesn’t get passive income from owning homes, let alone their portfolio growing in value due to asset appreciation.

  • I always clicked with it really hard as a kid, but my parents banned me from it, so I just wound up making friends so I could play OG Red Alert or Commander Keen or whatever. I also played Tabletop 40k from a pretty early age, which my parents were more permissive of. In tabletop I have a very good systemising mind, so I wind up being the rules person, but I’m not super obsessed about any one system (I am a little “obsessed” with how few people play something other than D&D systems).

  • I tend to forget about my many half-finished projects unless I can see them, so most horizontal surfaces are set up and have a project of some sort on them. I have added more bench space and plan to add more. It does mean that if I have drive to do a task, it’s already set up and I don’t have to worry too much about takedown either. I could probably stand to dust more (or more often than when I move house).

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of tools and odds and ends in drawers, cupboards, toolboxes etc. But like, if a work piece has glue drying on it (say), it will probably live where that is happening until I next work on it.

    Trash migrates to the appropriate bin quickly. I have been depressed (and am still) and have had dirty dishes and trash pile up a little, but I really don’t like insects or errant smells in my space, so I usually stay on top of it.

    I just kinda remember roughly where things are. I have tried to be more organised, but I wind up losing things until I next open the very logical place I put something.

    I do clean up for rent inspection, but my current place doesn’t have them.

    EDIT: When I have housemates I tend to match their level of organisation in shared areas. I seem to wind up doing all the dishes for some reason.

  • Text things are extremely data light. All of wikipedia’s text is smaller than a 2k movie. There is absolutely data stuff happening in the background on the server that makes it more complicated, but the actual piped data that goes from a google search result is actually quite small (though larger than it used to be).

    Video is at the other end. There’s only so many things you can do to a video to reduce the amount of stuff you send to the user (and a lot of the things you do put more strain on the user’s computer to interpret what you’ve sent).

    Music, singular images, video game data, and mass data tend to be somewhere in the middle, though context does matter for each of them.

    Comparatively, sending videos and storing videos for later use is many times a more resource-expensive task than sending an image, forum post, email, weather updates etc.

    It doesn’t have to be ads before videos, but it does have to be something (subscription services, the page itself being littered with ads, state backing etc).

  • Yeah, I can type faster than I can write, but I can write faster than I can type on phone. The note winds up in a physical location, which helps me with both retrieval and remembering (say, this section of my desk-cube-thing is for project notes in my garage, this section is events, this is things I need to buy from the shops etc). I can draw little images pretty easily as well, have not habituated to digital art unfortunately. While not insurmountable with apps, is it really worth the additional effort shopping around when I keep inheriting post-it notes and data cards from various sources (idk why).

    Also, I get bonkers distracted on the phone. I sometimes forget I am just checking the time.