Clope et mousse, on va parler d’Art.

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#Art #Cinéma #Sculpture #Design #Peinture #BandeDessinée

  • 50 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2024


  • @jeuxvideo


    Hela scenario is inspired by the story of the Henrietta Lacks whose cells gave birth to the “immortal cell line” HeLa which originated from cancer stem cells taken from the pelvis of Henrietta Lacks without her knowledge in 1957 and has been used throughout the world. It is the most commonly used cell line, it has led to research successes on many diseases. If Henrietta Lacks was not cured and died, her cells took on an autonomous life, they were cloned in a massive way, even transformed for the study of cancers of other organs. HeLa cells are known to have contaminated other cells in laboratories, which is what finally made the family of the deceased Henrietta Lacks aware of the existence of HeLa, bringing a form of posthumous recognition. Several forms of tributes have been paid, including an asteroid named after her 359426Lacks, the naming was based on a proposal by Carrie Nugent who also proposed to name an asteroid after Rosa Parks. It is on this Asteroid that the storyline of our game takes place, it addresses the wonderful story of this immortal cell line from a black woman who was not healed but helped heal many whites.


    Dynamic backgrounds and procedural (generative) scenery composed of HeLa cells, so that each time the game is launched, just as the HeLa cells split infinitely, the environment in which the player moves is never exactly the same as the previous game.

    The shapes evoke living organisms in constant mutation (in the design of the characters as well as in the elements of the scenery) inspired by images of cells observed under the microscope.

    The game is developed following in a feminist group of women identified persons a horizontal and collaborative model under a free art licence, and using the free software Godot Engine. Please feel free to check our source code and eventually reach out to us if you are interested in contributing or hosting workshops where we present our organisation and work procedure.

    All workshops and events are announced on and you can reach out to or ameliedumont or natacha regarding any questions or propositions.

  • @timewarp

    Yes we should add social factor per country.

    You weren’t talking about those but about manga in general and compared them to meth. Which somewhat annoy me.

    I apologize, i don’t want to talk about child abuse. I won’t be able to bear it, so for my mental health i prefer to avoid this topic. It’s too heavy, i hope you will understand.

    Those i mentionned above are also stories told to people. They also can pollute the mind as you said. Why should we exclude them ?

    We can talk about marvel movie and the body stereotype, we can talk about newpapers that influence people mood and beliefs and may induce them into violence and hate crime…the topic is broad.

    We can also talk about meth destroying people life, drug market, gun market, farmers forced to grow some plants, ecological problem related to tabacco…

    So, I still don’t think you can compare manga seller to meth seller.

    However, you can talk about stories wether they are picture or text. How they influence people’s beliefs. It also involve history book, newpapers, media…its a very interesting topic.

    Or another topic : capitalism. The way manga are geared is due to the current competition. You have to make sure anyone will buy your production. Otherwise you can’t pay your rent, your meal…so the current problem isn’t related to manga but society and its economical system.

    Well, i suggest we stop there. It’s the weekend.

    I wanted to raise awareness about manga production and working condition. Manga editor can improve them by raising the deadline and slowing down the production. Also most drawing autor suffer hand injury…

    Your point was the influence of manga in society. It’s an interesting topic. :)

  • @timewarp Meth are drug and heavily modify body function. Drawing don’t do that. But i only agree on one point, their working condition are poor.

    Manga are drawing that require long practice to reach a certain quality and speed.

    Whilemost artist working condition is poor and they put their blood and sweat to gain a living, editor cannot be compared to dealer from an ethical stance, they doesn’t provok addiction, nor participate in gun traffic.

    Futhermore, you may not like manga but don’t call them junk. It’s very hard to draw a good line as they do. You won’t be able to reach it after years of daily practice.

    They draw and create story because human love story. The bible, the egyptian, the trajan columns, movies…and yes they have to make money since our daily live is tied to this economical system.

    However, if you don’t have any passion for drawing you will quickly abandon it. They will draw even if their hand hurt. And manga publisher do they best to know their public and sell story. Bakuman manga sum it up well.