• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Jesus, that good air / bad air quote was hard to read. If I’m following him, and I might have too many braincells to do this correctly, he’s arguing that we shouldn’t have clean air because then someone else might benefit from our clean air? So we should just pollute the shit out of our air, because then at least the Chinese won’t have a shot at getting any of our sweet, sweet clean air?

    That’s like saying you’re not going to put indoor plumbing in your house, because your neighbor might not put indoor plumbing in their house. And if they’re going to live up to their necks in shit, you’ll be god-damned if you’re not gonna live neck-deep in your own shit too! Otherwise, if you weren’t absolutely drowning in your own shit, there’s a chance that you might catch a whiff of your neighbor’s shit, and ain’t no way are you gonna let that happen.

  • Their problem is that they’ve been making abortion a wedge issue for so long, that it’s now impossible for them to back down. They’ve been catering to the religious right, pushing a message that life begins at conception and any form of abortion (and some birth control) is literally the same as murdering babies. And their base ate that shit up.

    Now they’re trying to backtrack, which leads to their hilarious message of basically “look, we’re going to have to kill a few babies to get into power, because power is more important.” Good luck trying to sell that.