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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m leaning Sith right now if only because Jason Qimir started in on “peace is a lie” for that split-second.

    I do think “philosophical beef” is probably the right answer, though. Because if some random orphan, taking Forcin’ classes part-time on a beach with some shady-lookin’ drifter, can not only match but surpass a Jedi master in a Force-off… That’s gotta do some serious damage to the Order’s reputation, right? Especially if it comes out that the Jedi specifically failed to train her identical twin? Imagine you’re one of the parents whose child went off with the Jedi because it was the “best way to realize their cosmic destiny”, never to see them again because the order drills “attachments are spiritual poison” into their heads from childhood, and suddenly you find out that, basically, homeschooling was an option the whole time? Now you start thinking maybe those “enlightened peacekeepers” training your kid to “harness their spiritual potential” might just be… kidnapping children and indoctrinating them into their weird death-cult to raise a galaxy-spanning theocratic paramilitary with a forced monopoly on psychic phenomena, against which the common denizen has no defense — who are, incidentally, hoarding all knowledge pertaining to their Order’s history, philosophy, training, and religious practice on inscrutable magic prisms that only they know how to open and read, which they keep in a locked vault in the back of their heavily-guarded stronghold. Trust in the Jedi erodes, maybe folks are a little more hesitant to send the youngsters off to Force Camp, and the Jedi Order either stagnates without new recruits or they start taking drastic measures which will, of course, only erode the public trust more, rinse and repeat until the Jedi go exctinct, and the Sith kick back with a couplea space brewskis and have a grand ol’ chuckle. “Kills the dream” indeed.

  • Part of me likes that we’re getting some Breen lore, part of me is worried that spending more time inside Breen culture takes away some of the inscrutability and unpredictability that made them so menacing in DS9, and part of me is a little disappointed they didn’t go with the Typhon Pact “there are actually five different species all pretending to be the same Breen” interpretation, because that always made me giggle. But all of me fukken loves one thing:

    Michael’s short little throwaway “wait, you’re Breen?” to L’ak pretty heavily implies that this is the first Breen anyone has seen without an encounter suit in over a thousand years. Way to go, Breen!

  • The thing that would’ve really sealed it for me, I think, would be if we got the occasional cut away from the musical number to the parts of the ship that weren’t affected. Like, there’s one bit where someone shuts off the artificial gravity for dramatic effect, and I was dying for the cut across the ship to the guy in who’s been off-duty taking a nap for the last three hours, slept through the whole first act of the episode, just drifting out of his bunk and into a bulkhead with no explanation. I love a good “consequences of everyone being just a little too Extra™” in my self-aware diegetic musical episode.

  • “My Rival” is my favorite jaunty funk-rock ditty about a guy stalking the man that stole his wife, cornering him in the middle of the desert, and kicking him to death in a strip mall parking lot. And that’s not even in the 'Dan Top 10.

    And you can’t listen to “Godwhacker” and tell me that isn’t the basic plot of half a dozen death metal songs, just with more jive and a sicker bassline.

  • Maybe, but on further reading…

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    …I have some concerns about the reputability of this particular outlet in general.

    Edit: … and the header at the top of the page is just the default logo for that blogspot theme, the dates are in French, the “Contact Us” form says “We will revert you as soon as possible”, and the Facebook link at the bottom leads to a page named “Painting Art” with one post from September 2023. Yeah, I dunno about this one, fellas.