Fucking thank God. And here I was worried my liver was fried.
Fucking thank God. And here I was worried my liver was fried.
Is it justice if those guilty never see consequences?
Unnoticed implies that it is a problem of informing the public.
The public (the publ8c who cares about issues and reads news) already knows. Our politicians just talk it away and do nothing to address it.
Just watched it cause of this post. Kept me entertained and enjoyed the whole thing which is impressive considering it is basically a live action looney tunes wiley cyote man vs beavers black and white silent film. Recommend.
Gonna see if my kids like it, don’t see why they wouldn’t.
So I got a lemon tree and Jesus the fucking thorns. Every time I see them I remember the documentary I watched with these birds being little psychos… the poor mice and lizards…
What do you mean by significantly large
I will touch the sun or I will die trying
Trying to talk about it online is like trying to talk about jews and Israel without being called an antisemite. You better have a lot of time to explain exactly what you mean.
Unnoticed? We have known for years, we are just unwilling to do anything about it.
Well when we elect - twice - a real con man crook, we have told the country that it’s OK to lie cheat and steal to make a profit. It makes me so mad.
He should try heating the paint before he applys it. Bet you could heat it to 130 without any issues.
When your effective range is 30 feet I don’t think it matters much
DAMN momma! Bitchslapped with love. Honestly made me feel almost bad for the guy - mom sounds like good people and he still ended up a turd.
Well. It’s not like they want it to happen, they just don’t want to know if it does!
In other words, shutup and get to work. Do not address bad behavior, we might have to punish the offender and that will hurt production.
Make it an anime. The woman just keeps harassing groups of goths and punks until she randomly finds a real vampire who plot twist is just a crazy person
The DOJ has over 110,000 employees. It only takes a handful at the top to stop the honest everyday workers from doing honest work.