I’ve listened to their podcast since the beginning and I’m a proud supporter on Patreon.
They have made it a point to interview people and I don’t get the impression that they agree with all of their interview subjects. I also don’t agree with them on everything. But that’s what an intellectual debate is. Just because they talk about an idea does not mean that they endorse it. Just because you hear about it does not mean that you must go out and buy crypto.
If you are going to look at a movement as diverse and amorphous as Solarpunk, you can interact with multiple ideas and learn more. But just because you learn about something, it does not mean that you must accept it or integrate it into your worldview. As I see it, understand where people are coming from - even if you disagree with it. Understanding does not equal acceptance.
(For full disclosure, I think that crypto makes very little sense. I’ve tried understanding what it is and why it is important but I just feel like it is a solution looking for a problem.)
I am generally open to him and his views. I get tired of hearing things that only confirm my own worldview. While I agree with him sometimes, he is just as often challenging to me.
That said, I’ve been finding his whole recent “kids these days are awful” schtick really tiresome. It feels like an old man shaking a fist at the sky. I have lots to complain about Gen Zs and Millennials but I feel like he is really out of his depth. Every generation thinks their kids are awful.
But when he is on point, he is really on point.